Latest announcements
Level of municipal waste sorting per year 2024, Annual municipal waste report for the year 2024.
Oznam –; MUDr. Stanislav Kompas –; taking leave from 24.02. do 28.02.2025
Carnival afternoon with burying bass
Oznam –; ZSE informs citizens about the execution of the deductions of electricity meters in the village Častá from 04.02.2025 do 11.02.2025
Oznam –; Obecný úrad Vinosady –; výberové konanie –; cleaner/dispenser of lunches in elementary school
The Nature Friends Club in cooperation with the Častá Municipal Office invites all hiking enthusiasts to 26. New Year's Eve climb to Geltek.
Obecný úrad Častá –; Office hours during the Christmas holidays
Cultural plan, sports and social events in the village of Častá in the year 2025
Digital seniors
Oznam –; MUDr. Stanislav Kompas –; taking leave from 23.12.2024 do 27.12.2024
Oznam –; Obec Limbach –; výberové konanie –; director of ZŠ Limbach
Export calendar for the year 2025
Západoslovenská distribučná –; Prerušenie distribúcie elektriny –; 19.12.2024 from 08:00 throw. do 15:30 throw.
Selection procedure for the director of Doľany Kindergarten