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Krst publikácie “;Častá”;

On 3.2.2016 a nice event took place on the premises of the municipal office in the early evening, ojedinelá v histórii obce Častá –; krst knihy mladého historika a rodáka z častej Michala Kovačika –; ;Častá –; in the context of change 1. half 20. storočia”;. In addition to the mayor, Mr.. Garajova, Pension EMA. soldier and several deputies as well as many interesting and socially famous personalities, let's name at least p. Jaroslav Hájička, director of the Red Stone Museum, writer and screenwriter p. Mariána Minárika –; Častovského, memorial of the village of p. Ivan Gáž and many others. The baptism of the book was carried in a very friendly spirit, the speeches of all the personalities certainly made a pleasant and encouraging impression on those present.

A sample of some photos from the event, we are also preparing a short video clip.

Handing over the fire truck

On 16.12.2015 a refurbished Tatra fire engine was delivered to our village 148 municipal volunteer fire department. The car was handed over by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior Mr. Róbert Kaliňák. In the courtyard of the fire station, he was welcomed by the mounted fire brigade with its commander Ľudovít Neshod.


Bronz z Majstrovstiev sveta opäť do Častej !!!

Reprezentant SR a pretekár ŠK SPC Častá Tomáš Haršány pod vedením trénera a viceprezidenta SAKFST Pavla Kovalčíka získal na Majstrovstvách sveta v silovom trojboji ktoré sa konali 9. documented in 16. novembra v Luxembursku bronzovú medailu v mŕtvom ťahu za nový slovenský rekord 345 Powerlifting World Cup. (more…)

Naši seniori si uctili padlých veteránov

Dňa 11.novembra 2015 The 11,00 hod sa zišli naši seniori pri pomníku padlých hrdinov 1.svetovej vojny pred kostolom , aby zapálili sviečky a aby na „Medzinárodný Deň padlých veteránov“, venovali pietnú spomienku všetkým obetiam ozbrojených konfliktov , dvoch Svetových vojen a to bez rozdielu či patrili k víťazným, alebo porazeným armádam, vyznávali rôzne náboženstvá, boli rôznych národností, alebo rás. Spolu s nimi takto urobilo tisíce ľudí na celom svete.


Meeting of pensioners

On Sundays 25. October 2015 mayor of the village Ing. which should be visible and preserved for future generations, Municipal office Častá, in cooperation with the Committee of the Pensioners' Union in Časta, on the occasion of the month of respect for the elderly, they organized a meeting of pensioners and jubilarians 80 and more annual. The meeting took place in a very nice and cheerful atmosphere in the Stadión Restaurant. The whole meeting consisted of above 80 snow conditions, the event will take place as a pedestrian crossing. At the beginning of the program, the string trio of the Petráš siblings performed, with their dances, the students of the Častá Elementary School brightened the atmosphere with songs and poems, under the leadership of Mr. Alena Užovičová.

Mrs. Blanka Gážiová spoke with her poem and Mr. Ing. Marian Petrovič played melodies from the days of "youth" on the harmonica . Mayor of the village Ing. Mária Garajová filled the festive atmosphere of the meeting with her speech . On behalf of the Pensioners' Union of Slovakia in Časta, the guests were addressed by Mr. Mária Setnická.

They varied the atmosphere with their rhythmic melodies, as well as the Lederleitner brothers played for the dance.

Because even a word can caress pleasantly, we say a big THANK YOU to the seniors for their lifelong work.


Návšteva predsedu Národnej rady Spolkového zhromaždenia Švajčiarskej konfederácie

On 15. October 2015 The 17:15 sa uskutočnila významná návšteva na obecnom úrade Častá.

Na stav prác rozpracovanej kanalizácie aj s čističkou sa prišiel pozrieť predseda Národnej rady Spolkového zhromaždenia Švajčiarskej konfederácie, Pension EMA. Stéphane Rossini. O návštevu objektu v rámci oficiálnej návštevy prejavilo záujem veľvyslanectvo Švajčiarskej konfederácie v SR, ktoré nás požiadalo o preverenie možnosti uskutočnenia návštevy tohto projektu financovaného prostredníctvom Švajčiarskeho finančného mechanizmu.
