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Author: admin

Welcoming children

On 25.9.2015 held at the Municipal Office in the Frequent Welcoming of Children Born in 2014. Several families with their children were welcomed, where the students of the school performed beautiful songs and poems. Dear children were welcomed by the mayor of the village, where, together with their parents, they took the oath of the citizens of Častá.

Deň dronov –; at RC airport Častá

On 20.6.2015 from 10:00 sa uskutoční na RC Letisku Častá deň Dronov.

Môžete sa tešiť na:

  • ukážkové lety dronov a rc modelov
  • závody dronov v kategórii FPV 250 Racers
  • môžnosť vyskúšať si pilotovanie
  • preletieť sa môžete na vyhliadkovom lete na vrtuľníku Robinson R44
  • a mnoho ďašieho


Častovská 50ka –; Častovská 50ka -

Častovská 50ka -

37. Častovská 50ka - 8.5.2015

Častovská 50ka -


Route 10 227

Route 25 357

Route 35 99

Route 50 170

Častovská 50ka - 853

Children do 15 r. 77

Častovská 50ka - 143

Najstarší účastník Henrich Kovačič Pezinok –; r. 1933

Trnava Cycling League races

On 13. may 2015 in time from 17:30h. do 19:30h. The Trnava Cycling League will take place in our village. The race will take place on the circuit Common (from the bakery) - Sawmill - Red stone. We ask the citizens of the village of Častá, especially residents on Zámocká Street for increased attention to racing cyclists, who will be crossing this street at considerable speed. We also want to ask for the security of our pets, dogs, cats and other normally free-moving animals. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we invite you to encourage cyclists to the finish area on Červený Kameň Hill in the bus stop area..

plag-tcl rules-TCL-2015a