Author: Public decree Ing
Riešenie areálu kúpaliska Častá –; suggestions
Students from the Department of Architecture of SvF STU, as part of studio work, were given the task of designing a new functional use of the land of the current summer swimming pool in Časta. The proposals were prepared under the guidance of ing.arch. Eva Borecká, PhD.
The three studies presented represent different possibilities, they serve as a subject for verifying the mass-spatial solution of the area, Cannot be ordered for testing. for the development of a local construction program.
The reconstructed sidewalk will serve the inhabitants of the village of Častá visiting this place of reverence, where they go to honor the memory of the deceased citizens.. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2015, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations
Minutes from V. riadneho OZ 16. 06. 2015
Výpisy z uznesení OZ Častá zo dňa 16. 06. 2015 1
Hlasovanie poslancov body 16. 06. 2015
Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 16. 06. 2015
Záznam riadneho OZ Častá je dostupný na nižšie uvedenom odkaze. V závislosti od konfigurácie Vášho systému je potrebné súbor MP3 stiahnuť do Vášho počítača a tam si ho prehrať.