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Author: secretariat

Pumptrack track frequent

S radosťou oznamujeme, že vďaka podpore @Fond na podporu športu sa nám podarilo získať finančné prostriedky na realizáciu projektu s názvom: Pumptrack track frequent!

Ďakujeme za dôveru a podporu, ktorá pomáha rozvíjať šport a aktívny životný štýl v našej obci. Tešíme sa na prvé jazdy a skvelé zážitky na pumptrackovej dráhe.


Digital seniors

Digitálni seniori v Častej…;Another project in the village.

The municipality of Častá participated in the project Digital Seniors through the members of the Unity of Pensioners in the village, that brings together more than 130 members and in whose responsibility for the support of the municipality will be carried out. According to preliminary interest, the project would like to participate in about 65 Persons from the club and the municipality is aware of the next interest of citizens.

For 5 Weeks Professional Lecturers will teach our seniors to work with a tablet. After successful completion of the training they get a tablet with a data package. The village is ready to provide premises for training in the premises of the municipal office, With a WiFi connection. In this context, negotiations were held at the Ministry of Investment, regional development and informatisation of the Slovak Republic to details, to organize and logistics security for the project.

At a working meeting with the Pensioners' Unity Club, which was represented by Janka Sedláčková, has been dorbed further details. The first course should start after 20. January 2025. Any other candidates to report to the pensioners club, Cannot be ordered for testing. on the tel. KYNOLOGICKÝ KLUB ČASTÁ 0903245410 - Mrs. Janka Sedláčková.

Club members take care of and 2024

V mene KST Častá Vás pozývame na bežecké preteky pre všetky vekové kategórie do Častej na hrad Červený Kameň.

MRAZNICKÉ CHODNÍČKY – 21. Exhibition with lecture - 2024

snow conditions, the event will take place as a pedestrian crossing: At the starting point from 09:30 throw. Najneskôr 15 min. pred štartom.


11:00 preparation and pupils
13:00 adolescents and adults

Entry fee:

5,- € for adults. Categories of preparation, pupils and teenagers do not pay entry fees.

Súčasťou pretekov je aj súťaž o najrýchlejšieho Častovana/Častovanku.

More information can be found at:

Miesto konania pretekov:

Parkovisko v mieste pretekov:

MTBIKER Part cycle circuit

We cordially invite you to the Častovský Cycle Circuit 2024 ; 3. augusta 2024.

BTC Frequent o.z. and MTBIKER invite you to 8. year of the MTB cycling event, suitable for all cycling fans. As you are used to with us, well-marked tracks await you, great service in every aspect, a lot of accompanying activities, especially for children, and of course a strong raffle.

Basic information

  • MTBIKER The Častovsk cycle circuit is not a race, but relaxed MTB cycling
  • Registration online and on-site on the day of the event is from 9:00 do 11:00 throw.
  • The start of participants is continuous for all lengths of the track from 9:00 do 11:00 throw.
  • Child participants on the track will be accompanied in smaller groups by members of the organizer.
  • Snack bar (klasika –; bread with lard and onion, cookie, banana, Water + bars from MTBIKER) there will be one on the track for approx. 12 km and the same on the return from the long track for approx. 30 km.
  • The track is designed for mountain and trekking bikes.
  • You can also go to the track on an e-bike.
  • Parking in the parking lot near the Red Stone Castle.
  • Washing the bulls is a matter of course, as are accompanying activities for children

More information at

Optical network - 2. Častovská 50ka -

Information for citizens:

From 21.06.2024 do 31.07.2024 will be worked on the streets of Zámocká, Podzámocká, Home, Mraznická and Družstevná.

FibreTel will answer technical questions regarding the construction and implementation of the works, s.r.o., which Slovak Telekom, a.s. authorized for implementation works. In representation: Martin Rakovsky 0901 751 248 - site manager.

The construction of the optical network is based on the valid zoning decision File no:OcÚ-Výst.71/2021CA-1783.

PDF –; A common 2nd stage situation