O b e c J a b l o n e c
Municipal office, 900 87 Apple tree no. 206
Kamenárstvo Majstro offers. C. 033/6488113, 6488119, fax. C. 033/6488119
e – mail: starosta@jablonec.sk; 0915505659
The municipality of Jablonec according to § 4 Act of the NR SR no. 596/2003 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. on state administration in education and school self-government and on amendments to certain laws and § 5 Act of the NR SR no. 552/2003 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. on the performance of work in the public interest, as amended
v y h l a s u j e
selection procedure for filling the position of director
Elementary school 1. –; 4. year in Jablonec
starting from 13. augusta 2016.
More information in the document: