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Author: secretariat

Festival project SLOVAK CASTLE

Program of the summer cultural festival SLOVAK CASTLE

will be held 10. September 2016 on the Red Stone.

Slovak performance pop-rock music scene.

Bands: Tublatanka, Horkyže Slime, Chinaski…;


Ticket sales to the festival in Ticketportal advance sale at an introductory price 17 € and on the spot 25 €.


More information about the festival in the attachment:



He reached Haršány 1000 kg in triathlon !!!

At the Slovak Powerlifting Championships that took place 16.4. Goulash Cooking Festival Tomáš Haršány under the guidance of coach and vice president of SAKFST Pavel Kovalčík, he performed fantastically in the categories to 105 kg and thus became the absolute champion of the Slovak Republic without weight difference.

Tomáš squatted in a new Slovak record 400 Powerlifting World Cup, he pushed out in the bench press 255 Powerlifting World Cup, and in the deadlift 345 Powerlifting World Cup, what conquered the magical border 1000 kg in triathlon.

Tomáš underwent a doping control after the competition.

For a photo with powerlifting legend Miroslav Pat.


Police are warning citizens


Dear citizens,

na základe neustáleho zaznamenávania trestnej činnosti páchanej na osobách vyššieho veku (seniorov), polícia upozorňuje občanov, najmä seniorov, aby nepožičiavali peniaze osobám, ktoré nepoznajú, nakoľko môže ísť o podvodníkov a zlodejov.
