The Directorate of the elementary school and the Municipal Office of Častá as the founder, informs parents and students, that ceremonial opening of the school year 2023/24 will take place 4.9.2023.
ATTENTION !!! Dear parents and students, please pay attention to the following announcement: As far as the implementation work - construction of the communication route - will take place, entry, and other construction and reconstruction works, arrival until further notice (and departure) to the school will be possible only through the AMPHITÉATER - from Kíperská Street –; the passage will be secured by panels - a marked corridor, which prevents access to the entire area of the amphitheater, the route continues through the artificial playground in the school grounds to the back entrance to the main building. school buildings.
Prísny zákaz –; entrance to the school grounds and the amphitheater on bicycles, scooters, movement in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. Entry to the construction site is prohibited.
Please respect and follow the instructions and guidelines to ensure the smooth and safe arrival and departure of pupils to ensure health and safety, see instructions below
Please follow the changes and traffic restrictions - one-way Kíperská street and no parking - smooth passage of cars without parking, just a children's performance!!! –; see. schemes. Thank you for your professional help, solution and implementation of the local company Signatech.

4. September 2023
From 7:50 – 8:00 throw
–; arrival of 3rd-9th grade students - they will gather in individual classrooms. building,
–; arrival of pupils 2. a 1. of the year – Parský dom
8:00 hod –; slávnostné otvorenie školského roka –; ceremonial address of the school principal,
8:50 –; the end of the ceremonial opening of the school year and the departure of students 2.-9. vintage homes
9:00 –; Ceremonial passing of freshmen
9:00 –; sv. mass in the Church of St. century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth
Meals in the school canteen and the activity of ŠKD begins 5.9.2023. (Morning ŠKD only after finding interest.)
The school canteen will serve lunches for elementary school students from Tuesday 5.9.2023 on the basis of the submitted written registration form - MEAL APPLICATIONS, which the students will hand in on Monday 4.9.2023 head of ŠJ.
We are looking forward to you.
Organization of classes for the following days:
– teaching for 1.-4. year of studies - 8,00 – 11,35 throw. (4 lessons with TU)
– teaching for 5.-9. year of studies - 8,00 – 12,35 throw. (5 teaching hours with TU)
From 7.9. 2023 – teaching for 1.-9. year runs according to the class schedule.
Legal basis:
Law no. 124/2006 Z.z. on safety and health protection at work.
Government Regulation 396/2006 Z.z. regulation on minimum safety and health requirements for the construction site.
1. All persons passing through the corridors must be alert and pay attention. Prohibition of looking at phones while moving through the corridors!
2. It is strictly forbidden to manipulate corridor panels.
3. It is strictly forbidden to climb over the corridor panels.
4. Climbing on scaffolding is strictly prohibited, fences and other parts of the building, where there is a risk of falling.
5. Strict ban on entering the construction site and parts of the building under construction.
6. No entry to other areas of the amphitheater due to the risk of possible health damage, parts of the amphitheater are in a state of disrepair.
7. Movement along the corridors must be smooth. It is forbidden in any way to prevent the smooth movement of people along the corridor and at the same time the safe evacuation of people in the event of a fire. When moving in two directions along the corridors, as a rule, people move on the right side.
8. Prohibition of climbing and handling stored construction material in the vicinity of the building and on the construction site.
9. All students, who adopted the other husband's surname at the time of the marriage, school employees and persons present at the school, they are obliged to comply with the instructions for ensuring health and safety during the entire period of their validity until revocation. Violation of the instructions is considered a breach of law and discipline. Such violation may be sanctioned in appropriate ways.
10. All students, who adopted the other husband's surname at the time of the marriage, school employees and persons present at the school are obliged to follow the instructions for ensuring health and safety, which were issued by the school principal or construction manager in an emergency, on the basis of securing measures during the performance of extraordinary activities (Filing a tax return for the year. temporary blocking of the corridor due to the access of construction equipment).
11. No smoking on the school grounds, at the construction site and in the created corridors.
12. Prohibition of wearing high-heeled shoes, flip flops and similar footwear. We ask the parents of the pupils to ensure that the pupils have sturdy shoes (sneakers, Shoes)