Author: waste
VZN č.6/2022 o miestnom poplatku za komunálne odpady –; approved
VZN no. 6/2022 regulates the increase in the rate of the local fee for municipal waste from 01.01.2023 o 10%. The reasoned report is part of the approved VZN.
VZN no. 5/2022 amending VZN no. 3/2016 as amended by VZN no. 6/2020 C. and as amended by VZN no. 8/2021 o odpadoch –; approved
VZN regulates the change in the plastic sorting system, of metals and waste VKM and the frequency of waste export.
VZN No. 5-2022 on waste, full text -1
Information on waste management updated to 3.11.2022
- Replacement of garbage cans
- Weighing municipal waste
- Change in the method of sorting waste
- Waste charges
- New export calendar
Informacie k odpadovemu hospodárstvu –; čítať more detailed information ←
Draft VZN No. 6/2022 on the local fee for municipal waste
OZ Talentárium –. 6/2022 regulates the increase in the rate of the local fee for municipal waste from 01.01.2023 The 10%. Explanatory report in the appendix under the proposal of VZN.
OZ Talentárium –. 5/2022 amending VZN no. 3/2016 as amended by VZN no. 6/2020 C. and as amended by VZN no. 8/2021 about waste
The draft VZN regulates the change in the plastic classification system, of metals and waste VKM and the frequency of waste export.
VZN no. 5-2022 –; návrh –; changing the waste sorting system
Notice- Vývoz odpadu –; zmena vývoznej spoločnosti –; výmena nádob na odpad –; chipping and weighing containers
The municipal office notifies the citizens of the change of export company, which will ensure the export of waste from the village of Častá. This is related to the replacement of municipal waste containers, chipping, weighing and individual steps of implementing the change.
More information in the attachment:
Export of waste - change of export company - exchange of waste containers