Author: secretariat
Oznam –; MUDr. Stanislav Kompas –; taking leave from 24.02. do 28.02.2025
General practitioner for adults MUDr. Stanislav Kompas announces, that in the days from 24.02.2025 do 28.02.2025 will take leave. General practitioner for adults MUDr. General practitioner for adults MUDr.
Oznam –; ZSE informs citizens about the execution of the deductions of electricity meters in the village Častá from 04.02.2025 do 11.02.2025
Západoslovenská energetika informuje občanov, that in time from 04.02.2025 do 11.02.2025 bude v obci Častá vykonávaný odpočet elektromerov. Odpočet elektromerov vykonávajú jeden zamestnanec a jedna zamestnankyňa spoločnosti. ZSE žiada občanov o sprístupnenie elektromerov z dôvodu vyhotovenia foto snímky stavu elektromera. V prípade nezastihnutia občanov doma bude do schránky vhodený oznam s telefónnym číslom odpočtára za účelom dohodnutia termínu odpočtu.
Za pochopenie a spoluprácu ZSE ďakuje.
Oznam –; Obecný úrad Vinosady –; výberové konanie –; cleaner/dispenser of lunches in elementary school
Vinosada Municipal Office announces a selection procedure to occupy a job cleaning/lunch at elementary school with the date of entry 01.05.2025.
More information in the attachment here: Obec Vinosady –; A selection procedure of a primary school cleaning
Verejná vyhláška –; Lesy SR –; Invitation to the meeting of the owners of hunting lands included in the common hunting area Doľany pole
Convener of the Forests of SR, cf.. as an authorized person convenes a meeting of hunting land owners in the common hunting area Doľany pole, which will take place on 16.01.2025 The 10.30 throw. in the meeting room of the Lesov SR building, SNP square 8, 975 66 Banská Bystrica.
More information in the attachment here: Verejná vyhláška –; Lesy SR
Verejná vyhláška –; Call for felling/trimming of trees in the protection zone of HV/VHV electric lines
Spoločnosť Davies, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. na základe poverenia Západoslovenskej distribučnej, a.s. vyzýva všetkých vlastníkov nehnuteľnosti, na ktorých sa nachádzajú elektrické vedenia VN/VVN vo vlastníctve ZSD, for the removal and trimming of trees and other vegetation, which threaten the safety or reliability of the operation of the power lines of the distribution system.
More information in the attachment here: Výzva na vykonanie výrubuorezu stromov –; West Slovak distribution
Grafické vyznačenie úsekov, na ktorých sa výrub resp. orez stromov požaduje v prílohách tu:
Obecný úrad Častá –; Office hours during the Christmas holidays
Office hours during the Christmas holidays:
23.12.2024 Z A T V O R E N É
27.12.2024 Z A T V O R E N É
FROM 30.12.2024 According to normal office hours
To deliver your request, you can use the mailbox located at the municipal office building or electronic communication (e-mail, electronic mailbox).
In case of death, call the phone. number 0917853154.
Thank you for your understanding.
Municipal office Častá