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Author: secretariat

Verejná vyhláška –; ZSD's call for the removal and pruning of trees in the power line

The company Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s. v súlade s ustanoveniami § 11 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. 1 letter. b) a ods. 3 Lesy SR. 251/2012 Z.z. o energetike a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov (zákon o energetike) calls on the owners, tenants and property managers for the removal and encapsulation of trees and other stands, which jeopardize the security or reliability of the operation of the distribution system's energy installations, and which are located on their properties no later than 31.1.2025.
If trees and other vegetation are not removed or restrained by the owners within that period, vykoná tieto úkony spoločnosť Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s. a za týmto účelom v súlade s § 11 zákona o energetike vstúpi na dotknuté pozemky.

More information in the attachment here: Výzva na odstránenie a okliesnenia stromov z elektrického vedenia

Oznam –; Západoslovenská distribučná –; interruption of electricity distribution 18.11. a 25.11.2024

West Slovak distribution announces to citizens, that day 18.11.2024 will be interrupted by the distribution of electricity on the streets Windy, Červený Kameň a Štefanovská ulica. On 25.11.2024 will be interrupted by the distribution of electricity on the streets Home, Mesačná, Sunny, Veterná a Štefanovská.

Detailed information in the appendix ⇓


Optická sieť –; stage no. 5


From 29.10.2024 do 08.12.2024 will continue with the realization of excavation works of stage no. 5 optical network on Štefanovská streets, Sunny, Lunar and Windy.

FibreTel will answer technical questions regarding the construction and implementation of the works, s.r.o., which Slovak Telekom, a.s. authorized for implementation works. In representation: Martin Rakovsky 0901 751 248 - site manager.

The construction of the optical network is based on the valid zoning decision File no:OcÚ-Výst.71/2021CA-1783.

Map of the 5th stage: Optická sieť Častá –; 5.Častovská 50ka -