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Author: secretariat

Oznam –; Autumn extermination of public spaces in the village of Častá

We inform the citizens, that based on the request of the Regional Office of Public Health to carry out autumn pest control, dňa16.10.2024 profesionálna firma zabezpečujúca deratizáciu rozmiestnila rodent control stations (black plastic cabinets marked with a warning sticker) na verejných priestranstvách a pri kontajneroch na kuchynský odpad.

We call on citizens not to manipulate the rodent control - not to throw it away and to increase their caution in supervising minor children and in caring for pets., which could come into contact with rodent control stations.

Oznam – voľné pracovné miesto – stavebný úrad Obec Viničné –; republishing the offer

Obec Viničné v súlade s § 6 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. 1 zák. C. 552/2003 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. o výkone práce vo verejnom záujme
v znení neskorších predpisov informuje o voľnom pracovnom mieste na stavebnom úrade.

More information in the attachment here: Stavebný úrad Viničné –; voľné pracovné miesto 2024

Minutes and resolutions from III. regular public meeting of the Municipal Council in Časta, held day 26.09.2024.

point no. 2 UZN no. 1- III.OZ –; 2024 Establishment of a design committee, určenie overovateľov a zapisovateľa

point no. 3 UZN no. 2-III. -OZ –; 2024 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

point no. 4 UZN no. 3-III. -OZ –; 2024 Control of the implementation of resolutions

point no. 5 UZN no. 4-III.- OZ-2024 Public hearing of citizens

point no. 6 UZN no. 5-III-OZ-2024 Správa audítora.

point no. 7 UZN no. 6 -III-OZ-2024 Aktuálny stav projektových a investičných zámerov

point no. 8 UZN no. 7 -III.- OZ-2024 Vodozádržné opatrenia

point no. 9 UZN no. 8 -III.- OZ-2024 Verejno prospešné zariadenie na pozemku cirkvi

point no. 10 UZN no. 9-III.- OZ-2024 Predloženie žiadosti,, Výstavba rekonštrukcia a modernizácia športovej infraštruktúry v obciach do 3000 obyvateľov –; pumptrack

point no. 11 UZN no. 10-III.- OZ-2024 Úprava rozpočtu 1/2024

point no. 12 UZN no. 11-III.- OZ-2024 Prenájom NM obce z dôvodu hodného osobitného zreteľa

point no. 13 UZN no. 12-III-OZ-2024 Urbanisticko –; priestorová štúdia

Zápisnica z III.OZ 26.09.2024

Výpis z uznesení z III. meeting of the OZ.

Sound recording

Výzva na výkon jesennej preventívnej celoplošnej deratizácie –; Regional Office of Public Health Bratislava

The Bratislava Regional Office of Public Health invites citizens to carry out autumn extermination due to the regulation of animal pests in the period from 01.10.2024 do 30.11.2024.

Natural persons - citizens, natural persons - entrepreneurs and legal entities carry out extermination in their or their managed objects through authorized companies with professional competence.

Natural persons - citizens will carry out extermination on land and in buildings used for breeding farm animals, and in the case of signs of the presence of rodents also in the basement and ground floor areas of family houses and buildings intended for living, natural persons, citizens, can also carry out extermination by themselves in the commercial network with available products intended for this purpose.

More information in the attachment:

Výzva na výkon jesennej preventívnej celoplošnej deratizácie_DEN202400038531