Author: secretariat
Call for payment of real estate taxes, dog tax and municipal waste export fee for the year 2024
Dear citizens,
the municipality of Častá as administrator of real estate taxes and local fees calls on all citizens, who have not fulfilled their obligation to date and have not paid local property taxes, dog tax and a fee for the export of municipal waste for the year 2024, to fulfill this obligation no later than 30.09.2024 and thus avoided possible sanctions.
Taxes and fees can be paid :
- bank transfer to the account of the municipality of Častá number SK57 0200 0000 0000 0452 9112,
– by postal order,
– in cash to the cash desk of the municipal office.
!Notice for citizens - warning against rain and wind!
Notice for citizens:
In connection with the warning of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute SHMÚ) for our territory, we bring the following information to your attention:
Rain warning - 2. degree
- Duration: from 12. 9. 2024, 06:00 do 16. 9. 2024, 18:00
- Heavy rain with total precipitation is expected 120 – 180 mm. This intense rain can cause localized flooding and significantly affect daily activities.
Wind warning - 1. degree
- Duration: from 13. 9. 2024, 02:00 do 14. 9. 2024, 00:00
- Wind with gusts of speed 65 – 85 km/h (short term) may cause minor damage, especially on trees and weaker structures.
Residents please, to prepare for possible complications, do not underestimate the situation and to follow current warnings and warnings.
The village management coordinated with the Voluntary Fire Brigade and the Primary School with the Kindergarten to receive recommendations and measures to solve a possible crisis situation.
Voľné pracovné pozície –; village of Vinosady
Obecný úrad Vinosady vyhlasuje výberové konania na pracovné pozície: ekonóm –; Municipal Office Vinosady, výdaj stravy/upratovačka ZŠ Vinosady, prevádzkový zamestnanec v školskej jedálni a pomocná kuchárka v ZŠ Vinosady.
Podrobné informácie v zverejnených prílohách ⇓
Oznam –; Municipal office Častá dna 04.09. from 13,00 do 17,00 throw. a 06.09.2024 from 08,00 do 12,00 throw. closed for operational reasons
V stredu dňa 04.09.2024 in time from 13,00 throw. do 17,00 throw. a v piatok dňa 06.09.2024 in time from 08,00 throw. do 12,00 throw. bude obecný úrad Častá z prevádzkových dôvodov closed.
To deliver your request, you can use the mailbox located at the municipal office building or electronic communication (e-mail, electronic mailbox).
Thank you for your understanding.
Municipal office Častá
Oznam –; voľné pracovné miesto –; construction office Viničné Municipality
Obec Viničné v súlade s § 6 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. 1 zák. C. 552/2003 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. o výkone práce vo verejnom záujme
v znení neskorších predpisov informuje o voľnom pracovnom mieste na stavebnom úrade.
More information in the attachment here: Stavebný úrad Viničné –; voľné pracovné miesto 2024