Author: secretariat
Dôležitý oznam –; parking restrictions on parts of Na vršku street from 23.8. do 26.8.2024
V prípade nutnosti kontaktujte stavbyvedúceho pána Rakovského, phone no. 0901751248.
Ďakujeme za porozumenie.
Oznam –; MUDr. Stanislav Kompas –; taking leave from 19.08. do 30.08.2024
General practitioner for adults MUDr. Stanislav Kompas v Častej oznamuje pacientom, that since 19.08. 2024 do 30.08.2024 will take leave, represented by MUDr. General practitioner for adults MUDr.
Optická sieť –; stage no. 3
Information for citizens:
From 05.08.2024 do 12.08.2024 on Hlavná street, from the number 80/108 –; to the number 59/150 a from 23.08.2024 do 20.09.2024 will continue on Hlavná streets, from the number 59/150 –; 458/209; Horticultural; At the top 305/1 –; 808/18B; Andreja Hlinka and Kíperská 389/15 –; 330/37. (From 13 .08. do 23.08. excavation work will be interrupted)
FibreTel will answer technical questions regarding the construction and implementation of the works, s.r.o., which Slovak Telekom, a.s. authorized for implementation works. In representation: Martin Rakovsky 0901 751 248 - site manager.
The construction of the optical network is based on the valid zoning decision File no:OcÚ-Výst.71/2021CA-1783.