Notice on the initiation of administrative proceedings in the matter of granting permission for the felling of trees oznamenie-o-zacati-spravneho-konania-na-vyrub-drevin
Notice on the initiation of administrative proceedings in the matter of granting permission for the felling of trees oznamenie-o-zacati-spravneho-konania-vyrub-drevin
Notice on the initiation of administrative proceedings in the matter of granting permission to cut down a tree oznamenie-o-zacati-spravneho-konania-vyrub-stromu
Draft budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2017, 2018, 2019 navrh-rozpoctu-obce-casta-na-roky-20171819-prijmy navrh-rozpoctu-obce-casta-na-roky-20171819-vydavky navrh-rozpoctu-obce-casta-na-roky-20171819-sumar stanovisko-hk-k-rozpoctu
VZN of the municipality of Častá no. 4/2016 on local accommodation tax 20170110150006004 20161026112938234
Notice on the initiation of administrative proceedings in the matter of granting permission to cut down a tree 20161025144938200