Častovský cyklookruh –; photo and summary
Carnival 2018 we have successfully completed it. This year, we have crossed the magic line in the number of registered participants 500 snow conditions, the event will take place as a pedestrian crossing, exactly 507, of which 24 juniors and 69 Minutes of the meeting of the Education Commission. We are glad, that together we managed to catch up with such a number of young people. At the same time, it is a gratifying fact, that it all worked out without injury and that the medical service treated only two abraded knees. The weather was almost perfect and the mud on the track after the previous rains was just a variety .
AndWe provide the Municipalities of Častá and BSK for financial support, sponsor, who contributed to us the raffle- Slovkolex s.r.o., Abus Slovakia s.r.o., CHOIR s.r.o, Turbike Pezinok,ELVIP Malacky, Cinemax, Institute of Education of Bankruptcy Administrators of the Slovak Republic, Relax Trnava, Restaurant Čarda, Afinis Group s.r.o..
Thank you for your help in organizing the event Signatech s.r.o., Thinker Winery, Nyna s.r.o., Bakery Častá, Lesy SR, SNM Red Stone, Old Herold Ferm, Biker, DHZ Common, Restaurant near Schwarzov, Kovaplet Common, Maxone s.r.o., Agrofarma Červený Kameň, MUDr. Tomas Heger, Marcel Zelink.
And of course to all BTC members, their family members and friends, without which this would be, I'm not afraid to say SUPER event could not be organized.
We are looking forward to the next year of the Častov cycle circuit, which will take place 8.6.2019.