Častovský goulash CUP
We invite you to the traditional ČASTOV GOULASH CUP 2022.
- start cooking: 9:30 throw.
- goulash stew: 14:00 throw.
In addition to goulash, there will be other snacks. Throughout the day there will be quality music production and in the early evening a mini concert by the revival band SETBACK.

Koštovka piva –; 8 species
Bachelor Honey Special 14 °
Pilsner Urquell 12 °
Zubr Gradus 12 °
Bernard Wheat 12 °
Šteiger Dark 11 °
Perštejn Vilém 11 °
Svijany Gáz 11 °
Holba mountain 10 °
Litovel 10 °
They will fight for the prize of the expert jury and the public in the voice of the people will:
- We often support these sports clubs
- Knee theater
- Sinners
- Bark Bark
- FoFo
- Tasty cauldron
- Team od Kurátka
- Katynka
- Častovský Ježi
- PeRu
- Golden Dragon
- April Fool's Team
- DHZ Common
- Firefighters Pezinok
- Puf a Muf
- Beautiful- more beautiful- my
- Soldiers