Minutes from IV. of the regular session of the Municipal Council in Časta from 15.06.2023
Minutes and resolutions from III. regular session of the Municipal Council in Časta on the day of the meeting 18. 05. 2023 The 18,00 throw. in the Stadión restaurant in Časta
Zápisnica z III.OZ/2023 zo dňa 18.05.2023
point no. 2 UZN no. 1-III OZ 2023 Establishment of a design committee
point no. 3 UZN no. 2-III OZ 2023 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council
point no. 4 UZN no. 3-III OZ 2023 Zmluva a opätovne prerokovanie členského-OOCR
point no. 5 UZN no. 4-III 2023 členske-MCK-1
point no. 6 UZN no. 5- III 2023 Public decree Ing. 3
Príloha č. 1 –; Komisia zápisnica k ÚPN ZaD č. 3
Príloha č.2 k Uzneseniu č. 5/III/OZ/2023 –; opravená –; chyba v písaní v bode 12 v parc.č.
Extract from the resolution III. Minutes and extract from the resolution I 2023