Program of economic development and social development of the Red Stone Microregion for the period 2021 –; 2027
Side dish 1 List of tables and figures
Side dish 2 Cultural, social and sports events
Side dish 3 Questionnaire form
Side dish 4 Evaluation of the questionnaire survey by municipality
Side dish 5 Project repository by municipality
Side dish 7 Projection of the proposed activities into the territory
Community plan of social services for Microregion Červený Kameň for a period of years 2021 –; 2027
Extract from PHRSR Community plan of social services for MČK_final
Tourism development strategy based on destination management for the Red Stone Microregion for the period of years 2021 –; 2027
Extract from PHRSR Tourism Development Strategy for MČK_final
Waste management plan for the Červený Kameň Microregion for the period of years 2021 –; 2027
Minutes, resolutions and an extract from the resolutions from IX. regular public meeting of the OZ held on the day 20.12.2022
Extract of resolution IX.OZ 2022
UZN no. 1-IX 2022 Establishment of a design committee
UZN no. 2-IX 2022 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council
UZN no. 3-IX 2022 Taking the oath of the member of OZ Častá
UZN no. 4-IX-OZ-2022 Control of the implementation of resolutions.
UZN no. 5-IX-OZ-2022 Public hearing of citizens
UZN no. 8 –; IX 2022 Supplementing the commissions of the municipal council with new members
UZN no. 9-IX 2022 Determination of the next married OZ Častá
UZN no. 10-IX-OZ-2022 Adjustment of the municipal budget no. 3-2022_final
UZN no. 12-IX-OZ-2022 Evaluation of the state of legality of VZN
UZN no. 13-IX-OZ-2022 Proposal for a control activity plan for I. half a year 2023 chief controller
UZN no. 16-IX-OZ-2022 Kindergarten
UZN no. 17-IX-OZ-2022 Changes and additions to the territorial plan of the municipality
VZN č.6/2022 o miestnom poplatku za komunálne odpady –; approved
VZN no. 6/2022 regulates the increase in the rate of the local fee for municipal waste from 01.01.2023 o 10%. The reasoned report is part of the approved VZN.
VZN no. 5/2022 amending VZN no. 3/2016 as amended by VZN no. 6/2020 C. and as amended by VZN no. 8/2021 o odpadoch –; approved
VZN regulates the change in the plastic sorting system, of metals and waste VKM and the frequency of waste export.
VZN No. 5-2022 on waste, full text -1
VZN No. 4/2022 on local property tax from 01.01.2023 –; approved
VZN no. 4/2022, amending VZN no. 2/2012 as amended by VZN no. 5/2019 on local real estate tax adjusts the tax rate in line with the rate of inflation - i.e.. increase in the property tax rate in the municipality of Častá from 01.01.2023 The 7,8 %. The wording of the approved VZN no. 4/2022 including the explanatory report in the attachment here: