Generally binding regulations
General practitioner for adults MUDr. 5/2019 o miestnej dani z nehnuteľnosti
General practitioner for adults MUDr. 5/2019, amending VZN no. 2/2012 o miestnej dani z nehnuteľnosti –; zmena sadzieb –; účinné od 1.1.2020.
General binding regulation no. 1/2019
General binding regulation no. 1/2019 on determining the amount of subsidy from the municipal budget for the operation and wages per child of kindergartens and school facilities.
General binding regulation no. 2/2019
General binding regulation no. 2/2019 o výške príspevkov v školách a školských zariadeniach.
General practitioner for adults MUDr. 3/2019
General practitioner for adults MUDr. 3/2019
amending VZN no. 1/2013 o podmienkach poskytovania dotácií z prostriedkov obce.