VZN of the municipality of Častá no. 2/2017 on the provision of an allowance upon the birth of a child 20170221085919305 20170221085946240
VZN no. 1/2017 on determining the amount of the subsidy from the municipal budget for operation and wages per child of the kindergarten and school facility for the year 2017 20170221085738537 20170221085425014
VZN of the municipality of Častá no. 4/2016 on local accommodation tax 20170110150006004 20161026112938234
VZN no. 2/2016 on determining the amount of the subsidy from the municipal budget for operation and wages per child of the kindergarten and school facility for the year 2016 20160517152108978 Úplné znenie VZN č. 2/2013 20160517152138527
We have them here, so let's respect them and protect them. 1/2016 We have them here, so let's respect them and protect them VZN no. 1-2016 Úplné znenie VZN č. 4-2003 ÚZ VZN no. 4-2003
We have them here, so let's respect them and protect them. 6/2015 obce Častá v znení VZN č. 2/2006 Cintorínsky poriadok a v znení VZN č. 1/2007 VZN no. 6-2015
VZN no. 5-2015 on the compulsory registration of a child for compulsory school attendance in primary school VZN no. 5-2015
VZN no. 4/2015 about the amount of contributions in schools, school educational facilities and special purpose school facilities CCF01102015 CCF01102015_0001
VZN no. 3/2015 amending the General Binding Regulation of the municipality of Častá no. 2/2013 from day 09. 04. 2013 on determining the amount of the subsidy from the municipal budget for operation and wages per child of the kindergarten and school facility for the year 2015 Z VZN č. 2-2013 VZN no. 3-2015 final