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Trademark minutes

Minutes, resolutions, extract of resolutions and audio recording from VI. regular public meeting of the OZ held on the day 13.09.2023

point no. 2 UZN no. 1-VI-2023 Establishment of a design committee

point no. 3 UZN no. 2-VI. 2023 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

point no. 4 UZN no. 3-VI-OZ-2023 Public hearing of citizens_final

point no. 5 UZN 4-VI-OZ 2023 Submission of ŽOPNFP Pavement construction docx

point no. 5 UZN 5-VI -OZ 2023 Zrušenie verejného obstarávania –; "Educational Path Částá" (ul. Štefanovská)

point no. 5 UZN 6-VI-OZ 2023 Informácia –; Zrušenie verejného obstarávania –; ,,Pumptrack Track Frequent"

point no. 5 UZN no. 7-VI-OZ 2023 Co-financing by KST

point no. 6 UZN no. 8.2.-VI-OZ -2023 Municipal loan for additional financing of the ŽS superstructure and kindergarten extension projects

Summary of resolutions 13.9.2023

Minutes from VI.OZ 13.9.2023

Sound recording

Minutes, resolutions, extract of resolutions and audio recording from V. regular public meeting of the OZ held on the day 22.08.2023

Minutes from V.OZ 22.8.2023

point no. 2 UZN no. 1-Florian was built as a holiday and in his honor in the year 2023 Establishment of a design committee

point no. 3 UZN no. 2-Florian was built as a holiday and in his honor in the year. 2023 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

point no. 4 UZN no. 3-Florian was built as a holiday and in his honor in the year. OZ-2023 Control of the implementation of resolutions.

point no. 5 UZN no. 4-Florian was built as a holiday and in his honor in the year 2023 Information of the HK on the mandate of the member of the OZ

point no. 6 UZN no. 5-V-OZ -2023 Municipal loan for additional financing of the ŽS superstructure and kindergarten extension projects

point no. 7 UZN no. 6 -V-OZ-20233 Construction of a sidewalk on Štefanovská street

item no. 8 UZNS no. 7 -V-OZ-2023 Ortopedicko –; trauma clinic in the village

point no. 9 UZN no. 8-Florian was built as a holiday and in his honor in the year 2023 Choice of HK

point no. 11 UZN no. 9-V-OZ-2023 Public hearing of citizens

Extract of resolutions V_2023

Sound recording

Minutes from IV. of the regular session of the Municipal Council in Časta from 15.06.2023

Minutes from IV.OZ 15.06.2023

Extract of the resolutions of the regular OZ from 15.6.2023

UZN č.1-IV.OZ 2023 ;

UZN č.2-IV.OZ 2023 ;

UZN No. 3-IV. OZ.2023 ;

UZN č.4-IV.OZ-2023 ;

 ;UZN č.5-IV.OZ-2023 ;

 ;UZN č.6-IV.OZ-2023 ;

 ;UZN No. 7-IV. OZ 2023 ;

UZN No. 8-IV.OZ 2023

UZN No. 9-IV.OZ 2023

UZN No. 10-IV.OZ 2023

 ;UZN č.11-IV.OZ-2023 ;

UZN No. 12-IV.OZ 2023

UZN č.13-IV.OZ 2023 ;

 ;UZN No. 14-IV.OZ 2023

 ;UZN No. 15-IV.OZ 2023

 ;UZN č.16-IV.OZ-2023 ;


Sound recording






Minutes and resolutions from III. regular session of the Municipal Council in Časta on the day of the meeting 18. 05. 2023 The 18,00 throw. in the Stadión restaurant in Časta

Zápisnica z III.OZ/2023 zo dňa 18.05.2023

point no. 2 UZN no. 1-III OZ 2023 Establishment of a design committee

point no. 3 UZN no. 2-III OZ 2023 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

point no. 4 UZN no. 3-III OZ ; 2023 Zmluva a opätovne prerokovanie členského-OOCR

point no. 5 UZN no. 4-III 2023 členske-MCK-1

point no. 6 UZN no. 5- III 2023 Public decree Ing. 3

Príloha č. 1 ; Komisia zápisnica k ÚPN ZaD č. 3

Príloha č.2 k Uzneseniu č. 5/III/OZ/2023 –; opravená –; chyba v písaní v bode 12 v parc.č. ;

Extract from the resolution III. Minutes and extract from the resolution I 2023

Sound recording


 ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Minutes, resolutions and an extract from the resolutions from IX. regular public meeting of the OZ held on the day 20.12.2022

Minutes from IX.OZ 2022

Extract of resolution IX.OZ 2022

UZN no. 1-IX 2022 Establishment of a design committee

UZN no. 2-IX 2022 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

UZN no. 3-IX 2022 Taking the oath of the member of OZ Častá

UZN no. 4-IX-OZ-2022 Control of the implementation of resolutions.

UZN no. 5-IX-OZ-2022 Public hearing of citizens

UZN no. 6-IX-OZ Power of attorney, who will be authorized to convene and conduct the meetings of the General Assembly

UZN no. 7-IX 2022 Addition of the commission of the municipal council for the protection of public interest in the performance of the functions of public officials of the municipality of Častá

UZN no. 8 ; IX 2022 Supplementing the commissions of the municipal council with new members

UZN no. 9-IX 2022 Determination of the next married OZ Častá

UZN no. 10-IX-OZ-2022 Adjustment of the municipal budget no. 3-2022_final

UZN no. 11-IX-2022 Approval of the Economic Development and Social Development Program of the Red Stone Microregion for years 2021 -2027 Communication on the Strategy Paper - 2030

UZN no. 12-IX-OZ-2022 Evaluation of the state of legality of VZN

UZN no. 13-IX-OZ-2022 Proposal for a control activity plan for I. half a year 2023 chief controller

UZN no. 14-IX 2022 Traffic solution for the intersection of Hlavná and Zámocká streets - update of co-payment and addendum to the contract

UZN no. 15-IX 2022 Information about the progress of construction work at the Častá Elementary School, public procurement for a new contractor, contractual provision of construction material

UZN no. 16-IX-OZ-2022 Kindergarten

UZN no. 17-IX-OZ-2022 Changes and additions to the territorial plan of the municipality

Sound recording