Sound recording, extract from the resolution, trademark record from 8.5.2022 Sound recording List-of-resolutions-II.-OZ-in-year-2022Download Minutes-of-II.-OZ-held-8.5.2022Download
Invitation to a public meeting of the Municipal Council in Častá, Invitation to a public meeting of the Municipal Council in Častá 08.05.2022 The 17:00 throw. Invitation to a public meeting of the Municipal Council in Častá Invitation with the program for the OZ 2022-05-08
Minutes and resolution of the Trademark of 31.3.2022 Minutes of I. Trademark held 31.03.2022Download Minutes of I. Minutes of I 2022Download Corrected statement based on comments from the cadastral office. Added on 30.6.2022 Extract-from-resolution-I.-OZ-in-year-2022Download
Invitation to a public meeting of the Municipal Council in Častá, Invitation to a public meeting of the Municipal Council in Častá 31.03.2022 The 18:00 throw. Invitation to a public meeting of the Municipal Council in Častá Invitation with the program for the OZ 2022-03-31
Minutes of VIII. Trademark held 9. December 2021 Zapisnica-z-VIII.-OZ-konaneho-9.-decembra-2021Download
Minutes, výpisy z uznesení a zvuková nahrávka z VIII. zasadnutia OZ zo dňa 9.12.2021 Sound recording Extract from resolution VIII. Minutes of I 2021
Minutes, výpisy z uznesení a zvuková nahrávka z VII. zasadnutia OZ zo dňa 11.11.2021 Sound recording Minutes from VII. Trademark held 11.11.2021 Výpis z uznesení VII. Minutes of I 2021
Minutes, výpisy z uznesení a zvuková nahrávka z VI. zasadnutia OZ zo dňa 23.09.2021 Minutes from VI. meeting of the OZ held 23.09.2021 Extract from resolution VI. Minutes of I 2021 Sound recording Uznesenie 3-VI_OZ 2021-Prerokovanie spoluúčasti financovania rozšírenia kapacít Základnej školy Častá
Zápisnica a uznesenie z V. meeting of the OZ Vypis-z-uzneseni-V.-OZ-v-roku-2021Download Zapisnica-z-V.-zasadnutia-OZ-konaneho-07.09.2021Download Sound recording