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Trademark minutes

which should be visible and preserved for future generations. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, resolutions , which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Zápisnica I. OZ_2018-12-10

UZN no. 1 Schválenie programu ustanovujúceho OZ Časta

UZN no. 2 Zriadenie návrhovej komisie obecného zastupitelstva

UZN no. 3 Zriadenie mandátovej komisie obecného zastupitelstva

UZN no. 4 Poverenie poslanca obecného zastupiteľstva, ktorý bude oprávnený zvolávať a viesťrokovania OZ-1

UZN no. 5 Zriadenie ústavnej komisie obecného zastupitelstva

UZN no. 6 Názvy komisií a náplň komisií obecneho zastupitelstva-1

UZN no. 7 Zriadenie ostatných komisií obecného zastupiteľstva

UZN no. 8 Určenie platu starostu obce Častá

UZN no. 9 Schválenie sobášiacich OZ Častá

UZN no. 10 OZ Talentárium –. 2-2018 zmena výšky poplatkov poplatok za odpad-1

UZN no. 11 Návrh na preplatenie nevyčerpanej dovolenky starostka

Sound recording


The reconstructed sidewalk will serve the inhabitants of the village of Častá visiting this place of reverence, where they go to honor the memory of the deceased citizens.. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from V. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 18. 10. 2018, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. ;


Výpisy zo V. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 18. 10. 2018

Sound recording


Lesser Carpathian Express. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from IV. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 13. 09. 2018, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r.

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 13. 09. 2018

Výpisy zo IV. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 13. 09. 2018

Sound recording

Minutes from III. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes of III. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 21. 06. 2018, COMMEMORATIVE CELEBRATION

Výpisy zo III. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 21. 06. 2018

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 21. 06. 2018

Audio záznam

AK_1maj_2016-13_logo_result. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from II. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 12. 04. 2018, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 12. 04. 2018

Výpisy zo II. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 12. 04. 2018

Sound recording

Minutes from I. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes of I. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 08. 02. 2018, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r

Výpisy zo I. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 08. 02. 2018

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 08. 02. 2018

Hlasový záznam

which should be visible and preserved for future generations. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2017, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from VI. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 07. 12. 2017 century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 07. 12. 2017

Výpisy zo VI. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 07. 12. 2017

Sound recording

The reconstructed sidewalk will serve the inhabitants of the village of Častá visiting this place of reverence, where they go to honor the memory of the deceased citizens.. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2017, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from V. riadneho rokovania OZ zo dňa 09. 11. 2017, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r

Výpisy zo V. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 09. 11. 2017

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 09. 11. 2017

Sound recording

Lesser Carpathian Express. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2017, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from IV. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 12. 09. 2017,century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 12. 09. 2017

Výpisy zo IV. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 12. 09. 2017

Sound recording

Minutes from III. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2017, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes of III. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 15. 06. 2017 century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 15. 06. 2017

Výpisy zo III. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 15. 06. 2017

Sound recording