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Testing for COVID-19 on: 06.03.2021 in the village of Častá

_information on new regulations _information on new regulations 06.03.2021 _information on new regulations 8:00 do 18:00 throw.
Cannot be ordered for testing 12:00 do 13:00 throw.

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing Cannot be ordered for testing.

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing. Cannot be ordered for testing.

Cannot be ordered for testing.

Testing for COVID-19 on: 27.02.2021 in the village of Častá

_information on new regulations _information on new regulations 27.02.2021 _information on new regulations 8:00 do 19:00 throw.
Cannot be ordered for testing 13:00 do 14:00 throw.

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing Cannot be ordered for testing.

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing. Cannot be ordered for testing.

Cannot be ordered for testing.

Testing for COVID-19 on: 20.02.2021 in the village of Častá

_information on new regulations _information on new regulations 20.02.2021 _information on new regulations 8:00 do 19:00 throw.
Cannot be ordered for testing 13:00 do 14:00 throw.

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing Cannot be ordered for testing.

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing. Cannot be ordered for testing.

Cannot be ordered for testing.

Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year 14.02.2021

_information on new regulations dať sa otestovať v nedeľu 14.02.2021 _information on new regulations 8:00 do 19:00 throw.
Cannot be ordered for testing 13:00 do 14:00 throw.

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing Cannot be ordered for testing.

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing. Cannot be ordered for testing.

Cannot be ordered for testing.


Výsledky testovania v obci Častá 6.2 a 7.2.2021

Saturday 6.2.2021 testovanie ,,Návrat detí do škôl”; ; počet otestovaných 156 persons, of which 6 pozitívnych osôb, screening testing - number tested. 3,85% screening testing - number tested.

Sunday 7.2.2021 skríningové testovanie obyvateľov –; počet otestovaných 827 persons, of which 6 pozitívnych osôb, screening testing - number tested. 0,76% screening testing - number tested.


Vzhľadom na pretrvávajúcu zlú pandemickú situáciu budova Obecného úradu Častá zostáva aj naďalej zatvorená pre verejnosť.

Pre doručenie žiadosti a inej korešpondencie odporúčame využívať elektronickú komunikáciu, zasielanie poštou alebo doručenie do poštovej schránky umiestnenej na budove obecného úradu.

V prípade úmrtia kontaktujte matriku obecného úradu počas úradných hodín na tel. KYNOLOGICKÝ KLUB ČASTÁ 0917 853 154.

Z vyššie uvedených dôvodov nie je možné poskytovať osvedčovanie podpisov a osvedčovanie listín.

Thank you for your understanding.

Testovanie obyvateľov na COVID –; 19 v obci Častá v nedeľu 7.2.2021

Obec Častá ponúka prostredníctvom externej mobilnej odberovej jednotky občanom obce Častá a Píla možnosť dať sa otestovať v nedeľu 07.02.2021 _information on new regulations 8:00 do 20:00 throw.
Prestávky na oddych a dezinfekciu od 12:00 do 12:30 and from 18:00 do 18:30 throw.
Posledný ster bude vykonaný vždy 15 minút pred každou prestávkou a pred ukončením testovania.

Na nedeľné testovanie sa Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, odporúčame obyvateľom sledovať kamerový systém na stránke obce Častá

Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing, Cannot be ordered for testing. príslušníka ozbrojených síl.

Cannot be ordered for testing.