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Air Grill 2024

INFORMÁCIE pre Návštevníkov AirGrill 2024

; Návštevníci sa môžu tešiť na vyhliadkové lety vrtuľníkom
; Pre deti bude skákací hrad, maľovanie na tvár i predaj lietadielok
; Určite nenecháme nikoho o smädu a hladu, bude cigánska pečienka, pivko, nealkoholické nápoje a rôzne pochutiny formou bufetu
; Pripravené zaujímavé ceny ; o ktoré sa budú môcť návštevníci uchádzať formou tomboly zakúpením lístkov
; Súťaž pre deti
; Prílet malého športového lietadla, statická ukážka
; Výsadok cukríkov pre deti
; Prelety športových lietadiel ,,Národné Letecké Centrum,,
; Po 17h Motorový paragliding letová ukážka s pristátím
; Veteran Tatra Club Šenkvice
; Večerné posedenie pri hudbe z 80/90 years, pivko, cigánska v atmosfére horiacich faklí
; Bufet otvorený do neskorých večerných hodín

Začíname 9:30 program do 18h.

 ;  ;Registrácia pilotov: ;;;;;;08:00h-09:30h
 ;  ;Uvítanie, briefing: ;;;;;;;09:45h
 ;  ;Letové ukážky…;;;;;;;;;10:00h-12:00h
 ;  ;Prelet VIPER SD4 (Národné Letecké Centrum);;;;..12:00h-12:40h
 ;  ;Letové ukážky…;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.13:00h-14:45h
 ;  ;Vyhlásenie tomboly …;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.15:00h-15:30h
 ;  ;Letové ukážky…;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..15:30h-16:45;
 ;  ;Motorový paragliding prílet …;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..17:00h
 ;  ;Voľné poletovanie …;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.17:30h-21:30h
 ;  ;Bufet a posedenie pri hudbe …;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;do 01:00h

Nezabudnite si poznačiť do kalendára dátum akcie ,, AirGril 2024,, a zobrať so sebou deti, parents, kamarátov a známych.

Na vašu návštevu sa teší kolektív RC KLUBU Častá.

Oznam –; The district traffic inspectorate in Pezinok informs about traffic restrictions in the city of Pezinok from 3.6. do 31.8.2024

Okresný dopravný inšpektorát v Pezinku upozorňuje vodičov na dopravné obmedzenia z dôvodu rekonštrukcie cesty II/502 century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth meste Pezinok, ktoré sa začnú 3. júna a ukončené budú do 31. augusta 2024.

More information in the attached press release here: TS 31.05.2024 dopravné obmedzenia-Pezinok

Notice of Slovak Telekom: building an optical network

Častá Municipal Office in connection with the implementation of the optical network construction project in the village of Častá publishes the following announcement and information on the first stage starting 22.5.2024:

Slovak Telekom, a.s. informs about the start of building an optical network in the village of Častá:

Notice on construction implementation.

Dear citizens!

We hereby inform you, that the company Slovak Telekom a.s. on the basis of a valid zoning decision File no:OcÚ-Výst.71/2021CA-1783 and on the basis of a valid excavation permit issued by the local Municipal Office in Časta, will be implemented in the months of May-November 2024 optical network.

The entire construction process, from information about services and prices to the connection itself is set without the need for citizens to take further active steps. This also applies to those, who have not yet signed the consent or request to join, since the project allows for the potential connectivity of every object or building plot in the area, as the project solves.

During the construction, the main distribution of the optical network in the village and house connections to each house will be implemented, beyond the land boundary (for plot), with the possibility of digging up to the property. For this purpose, the residents will be continuously contacted by company employees, which will implement earthworks, to determine the place of transition to the land. Those who will not agree to finish behind the fence, they will have an optical connection terminated in front of the fence of the house.

After the completion of the construction, the owners of each building will be personally contacted by Slovak Telekom salesmen, Read this guide, who, in case of interest, will subsequently provide, through implementation companies, introducing an optical connection directly into the house. However, connection will be possible upon request at any time in the future.

Due to the possibility of coordinating the work to determine the place of transition to the land with residents and at the same time shortening the time of the entire construction, we will also carry out work on weekends.

FibreTel s.r.o. will answer technical questions regarding construction and implementation of works., which Slovak Telekom, a.s. authorized for implementation works.

in representation:

Martin Rakovský tel. C. 0901 751 248

23.5.2024 – 22.6.2024

· Fandly

· Pastierska

· Cooperative

· Sokolska

· Gardening

· Field

All road crossings and entrances to houses will be implemented by pushing to the greatest extent possible. We will inform you about the next stages.

Details of the 1st stage plan:

23.5. – 22.6.2024

Ul. Heligonkárka and singer Mgr (2 parties) from 23.5. – 29.5.

From the main right side 23.5. – 26.5.

Left side 26.5. – 29.5.

Ul. Pastierska (1 page) from 29.5. – 1.6.

Ul. Cooperative (1 page) from 10.6. – 13.6.

Ul. Sokolská (1 page) 13.6.-16.6.

Ul. Horticultural (1page) 16.6. – 18.6.

Ul. we do not provide other special services (after no. 11 left side, from no. 8 first page) 18.6. – 22.6.

Oznam –; ODI Pezinok informs about traffic restrictions in Modra

The district traffic inspectorate in Pezinok warns drivers about traffic restrictions due to road reconstruction, in two sections of the city of Modra:

  • on section no. 1 : cesta II/502 –; Dolná and Štúrova streets, Blue. The estimated time of road reconstruction on the given section is 4 weeks.
  • on section no. 2: road III/1087, in km 1,370 ; part Harmony, Blue. The expected completion time of the road reconstruction on the given section is 31.10.2024.

More information in the attachment here: 22.05. Traffic restriction Modra media-1