Emergency operation changes
The changes concern the operation of emergency services for the districts of Senec and Pezinok.
1. Change of office hours :
Monday Friday - 16:00 – 07:00 throw
Saturday, Sunday, holidays - continuously
The changes concern the operation of emergency services for the districts of Senec and Pezinok.
1. Change of office hours :
Monday Friday - 16:00 – 07:00 throw
Saturday, Sunday, holidays - continuously
The village of Častá , organized in cooperation with AŠK Inter Bratislava, on Sundays 31.07.2016
Slovak Youth Road Cycling Championship.
The race will be started in the age categories Younger students, Older students and Cadets with a mass start on the route :
For every night you can rent a tennis court on , Common ,Štefanová ,Budmerice , Queen , Oak, Saw , For every night you can rent a tennis court on .
The beginning 11,00 hour ending 13,30 throw.
On May 13 representative of the Slovak Republic Tomáš Haršány participated in the European Championships in powerlifting which took place in Pilsen.
Under the guidance of coach and vice president of SAKFST Pavel Kovalčík, he finished on 2.place among 14 competitors and thus won a silver medal for performance 347,5 kg in the deadlift, it is a new Slovak record in the category up to 105 Powerlifting World Cup.
No one can prohibit the movement of people in the game on the basis of valid legislation, public entry to the zoo is free.
Výkop žľabov aby voda zostala v lese –; where it belongs.
Playground Častá.
Playground Častá 14. 03. 2016 Playground Častá Playground Častá 2.487 € Playground Častá: Playground Častá. Playground Častá 2.487,- €. Playground Častá 1.622 €.
We cordially invite you to the May concert, on which he will perform music group Progres.
The performance will take place on 30. may 2016 at 7 p.m. in the House of Village Culture Dolné Orešany.
Admission in value 10 Eur can be purchased at the Dolné Orešany municipal office.
On Saturday 7.5.2016 sa uskutoční klubové polietanie s priateľmi na letisku Častá.