Goulash Cooking Festival 2016
On Saturday 7.5.2016 sa uskutoční klubové polietanie s priateľmi na letisku Častá.
On Saturday 7.5.2016 sa uskutoční klubové polietanie s priateľmi na letisku Častá.
Častovská 50s
KST Common (Sunday)
Routes: 50 km/1982 m, 35 km/1050 m, 25 km/850 m, 12 km
FC Slovan Častá football club invites you to a FESTIVAL ENTERTAINMENT, which will take place 7.11.2015 The 20.00 throw in the gymnasium of ZŠ Častá.
. or the Little Carpathian region
OZ Malokapratský region is a civil association, which was created in October 2014. It unites cities and municipalities, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations and natural persons from the cadastral territory of the towns of Modra and Svätý Jur and the municipalities of Báhoň, Budmerice, Common, Doľany, Oak, Croatian Grob, COMMEMORATIVE CELEBRATION, Saw, Slovenský Grob, Hams, Štefanová, Route, Vinosady, Vistuk.
The Little Carpathian Library in Pezinok and the village of Častá invite you to opening of the exhibition which takes place at the Municipal Office in Časta on Friday 4. September 2015 The 18.00 throw.