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5. Častofský rínek

We would like to invite you to 5. Častofský rínek, which will take place this Saturday: 03.10.2015 on the square in Časta in the time from 09:00 – 12:00 throw.




.or the Little Carpathian region: Let's join forces for the development of our region. Let's implement good ideas for a better life in the countryside

. or the Little Carpathian region

OZ Malokapratský region is a civil association, which was created in October 2014. It unites cities and municipalities, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations and natural persons from the cadastral territory of the towns of Modra and Svätý Jur and the municipalities of Báhoň, Budmerice, Common, Doľany, Oak, Croatian Grob, COMMEMORATIVE CELEBRATION, Saw, Slovenský Grob, Hams, Štefanová, Route, Vinosady, Vistuk.
