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International Day of War Veterans

International Day of War Veterans

Dňa 11.nov. o11.hod. ;11. min. sme sa zišli pred pomníkom padlých v ;Prvej svetovej vojny, aby sme si v ;rámci Medzinárodného dňa vojnových veteránov uctili pamiatku padlých v ;oboch svetových vojnách.


Blessing of the bell on the belfry at the house of mourning in Časta

On the occasion of the Remembrance of the Dead holiday 2.11.2017 sa uskutočnila slávnostná omša v ;chapel of the Most Holy Savior in the cemetery. Symbolicky v ;on this festive day, the parish priest Vladimír Banský also blessed the new bell, which was installed on the bell tower near the house of mourning . Zvon bol vyrobený v ;Žarnovice Huta. Pán farár poďakoval starostke obce Márii Garajovej a ;vedeniu obce za starostlivosť o ;celý areál cintorína a ;also for a new bell, who will serve at the funeral rites. (more…)


Home products and food, crafts, umenie a stretnutia…;

WHEN: 07.10.2017 (Saturday)

TIME: 09:00 ; 12:00 throw.

WHERE: social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek.


Lesser Carpathian Express

On 23.9.2017 held at the Municipal Office in the Frequent Welcoming of Children Born in 2016. Several families with their children were welcomed, where the students of the school performed with nice songs. Dear children were welcomed by the mayor of the village , where, together with their parents, they took the oath of the citizens of Častá.

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Home products and food, crafts, umenie a stretnutia…;

WHEN: 02.09.2017 (Saturday)

TIME: 09:00 ; 12:00 throw.

WHERE: social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek.
