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Častofský rínek –; second of September 2021

We cordially invite you to the event, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 18.09.2021 social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 9:00 do 12:00, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek. social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek.


Oznam –; dopravné obmedzenia –; Running Pezinkom 11.09.2021

social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek, že v súvislosti s konajúcim sa športovým podujatím “;10. ročník Beh Pezinkom”; KYNOLOGICKÝ KLUB ČASTÁ 11.09.2021 budú v meste Pezinok úsekové dopravné obmedzenia cestnej premávky –; social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek :

11.09.2021 ; social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek

Častofský rínek –; September 2021

We cordially invite you to the event, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 04.09.2021 social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 9:00 do 12:00, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek.


Dog competition


k y n o l o g i c k ú  ;  ;KYNOLOGICKÝ KLUB ČASTÁ


Častofský rínek – August 2021

We cordially invite you to the event, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 21.08.2021 social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 9:00 do 12:00, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek.


Častofský rínek –; Month 2021

We cordially invite you to the event, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 07.08.2021 social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 9:00 do 12:00, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek.



Theater on the knees Častá, the mayor of Častá and the Culture Commission, sociálnych otázok a verejného poriadku srdečne pozývajú všetkých občanov na podujatie s názvom Carnival,
