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Častofský rínek –; Júl 2021

We cordially invite you to the event, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to a traditional event Častofský rínek, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 10.07.2021 on saturday time from 9:00 do 12:00, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek.


Častofský rínek

We cordially invite you to the event, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to a traditional event Častofský rínek, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 19.06.2021 on saturday time from 9:00 do 12:00, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek.



Wine tasting of the Association of Winemakers and Winemakers Jablonca, Budmeríc, Báhoňa, Vištuka and Štefanová.

Action VINÁRI OD GIDRY ;will take place in Saturday, June 26 2021 from 12.00 – 21.00 throw. na Educational trail in Jablonec.


Kynologická súťaž –; Common

Súťaž sa uskutoční na cvičisku Kynologického klubu Častá 19. September 2020.

Voluntary military service 15. September 2020 on the tel. KYNOLOGICKÝ KLUB ČASTÁ 0903 051 872 alebo na adrese Hlavná 43/157.




Klub slovenských turistov Častá v spolupráci so SNM – Múzeum Červený Kameň s LESY SR, cf..

Podujatie finančne podporuje Obec Častá

Service contract: 12. September 2020
The place: Častá - Červený Kameň Castle


Výstava s prednáškou –; Exhibition with lecture -

Výstava s prednáškou –; Exhibition with lecture -

Exhibition with lecture - 40 Exhibition with lecture -

Exhibition with lecture -, Exhibition with lecture -. Exhibition with lecture -, Exhibition with lecture -, Exhibition with lecture -, Exhibition with lecture -.

6. Exhibition with lecture - 2020 The 17:00 throw. , Exhibition with lecture -

Exhibition with lecture -, Vampire night shows at Červený Kameň Castle 14 years 3 €.

Exhibition with lecture -!

Exhibition with lecture -.



We cordially invite you to the event, of social issues and public order cordially invite all citizens to the event named Carnival, which will be held on 26.7. v nedeľu v čase od 15:00 throw., in the premises of the municipal office in Časta.
