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Summer and autumn Častofské rínky

We cordially invite you to the event, sociálnych otázok a verejného poriadku ; they cordially invite all citizens to the traditional Častofsky rínek event, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 3.8. social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek 9:00 do 12:00, social affairs and public order cordially invite all citizens to the traditional event Častofský rínek. It will also be possible to register sellers on site. (more…)


We invite you to SUNDAY AFTERNOON WITH BREATHER v areáli obecného úradu v Častej. ;

We cordially invite you to the event: 21.07.2019 from 16:00 throw.

Organizer: Wind music Častovanka and the Commission of Culture, social affairs and public order at the Municipal Council.

Admission is FREE.


Koncert –; Sima Martausová

The concert will take place 19.7.2019 The 20:00 in the village of Jablonec in the area of ​​the former swimming pool.

The concert will take place as part of the Feast Entertainment, which takes place in the village Jablonec from 19. ; 21.7. 2019 (more…)

Air Grill 2019

Dear friends,

we invite you to 8. year of the traditional meeting of aircraft modellers of all categories organized by RC Klub Častá, and Air Grill 2019.
The main day of the event will be Saturday 13.7.2018 from 9,00, when the flight will be organized, pilots will be registered on site on Saturday from 8,00. Arrival at the airport is possible on Friday in the afternoon. V piatok po popoludní a v nedeľu bude voľné lietanie prihlásených pilotov . ; (more…)

Export of separated waste components -

Tourist section of young TOM Common, Invites you to school round of TOB races a 0. vintage Carpathian Cup (turisticko –; Orienteering), which will take place Cannot be ordered for testing 15.06.2019 in a meadow For every night you can rent a tennis court on.



Home products and food, crafts, umenie a stretnutia… Téma –; ;CHILDREN'S DAY. The children's program is provided by Schatmansdorf. Archery, swordplay, medieval games. Children will receive FREE ice cream after completing the tasks!
