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NÁVRH –; Generally binding ordinance of the Municipality of Častá no. 2/2024 on the local fee for municipal waste and small construction waste

NÁVRH –; By approving this VZN no. 2/2024 is canceled VZN no. 7/2023 from day 07.12.2023, which was approved by resolution of the Municipal Council of Častá no. 7-VIII/OZ-2023, as amended, as of the date of entry into force of this VZN. This VZN enters into force on 01.01.2025.

draft VZN-c 2-2024-on-fees-for-ZKO-2024

Generally binding regulation of the municipality Častá no. 1/2024 on local property tax from 01.01.2025 ; PROPOSAL

NÁVRH –; VZN no. 1/2024, amending VZN no. 2/2012 as amended by VZN no. 5/2019, VZN no. 4/2022 and VZN no. 5/2023 on local real estate tax adjusts the tax rate in line with the rate of inflation announced by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, i.e.. increase in the property tax rate in the municipality of Častá from 01.01.2025 The 10,5%

The wording of the draft VZN no. 1/2024 including the Explanatory Report and the Confirmation of the Inflation Rate in the appendices here:


Explanatory report to VZN no. 1-2024

Confirmation of the rate of inflation in the Slovak Republic for the year 2023 ; annex to the explanatory report to VZN no. 1-2024