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Official board

The reconstructed sidewalk will serve the inhabitants of the village of Častá visiting this place of reverence, where they go to honor the memory of the deceased citizens.. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from V. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 18. 10. 2018, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. ;


Výpisy zo V. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 18. 10. 2018

Sound recording


Addition of elements to the playground in the Frequently-Required Publication for the project

Tento rok sa nám podarilo z ;subsidies from Of the Bratislava self-governing region opäť o ;trošku zveľadiť a ;to improve the area of ​​the playground on Sokolská street. ;subsidies 2500 € from BSK we bought a street-workout element for exercise, we had existing climbing frames repaired, kúpil sa stojan na bicykle a ;zasadili sa maliny a ;blackberry.


Lesser Carpathian Express. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from IV. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 13. 09. 2018, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r.

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 13. 09. 2018

Výpisy zo IV. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 13. 09. 2018

Sound recording


On 18.9.2018 sa v Častej v klube Jednoty dôchodcov uskutočnilo zasadnutie Okresnej rady Jednoty dôchodcov na Slovensku.

Rokovanie sa uskutočnilo v priateľskej atmosfére, kde si seniori z okresu Pezinok vymenili skúsenosti a oboznámili sa s programom a pokynmi na ďalšie obdobie.
