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FC SLovan students often break records

Competitions of older pupils in ObFZ take place almost all over Slovakia, but the competition of older pupils in ObFZ Bratislava - countryside has a leader this year, worthy of entry in the Slovak records. Team FC Slovan Častá not only did not find a winner in the 19th round of the competition so far, shot the venerable 140 goals and none collected.


AK_1maj_2016-13_logo_result. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes from II. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 12. 04. 2018, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 12. 04. 2018

Výpisy zo II. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 12. 04. 2018

Sound recording

Minutes from I. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2018, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations

Minutes of I. of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from 08. 02. 2018, century was established in the village manufactory for the production of cloth. r

Výpisy zo I. riadneho OZ Častá zo dňa 08. 02. 2018

Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 08. 02. 2018

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