Official board
Pupils from Časta beat König or Van der Sar
Rekordne pevná obrana. Pupils from Časta beat König or Van der Sar.
Na začiatku príbehu bola len partia chlapcov z troch obcí – Častá, Doľany a Dubová, ktorí sa pred sezónou 2016/2017 spojili, aby vytvorili spoločné družstvo starších žiakov pod hlavičkou FC Slovan Častá.
13 medals from the European Championships in triathlon
In days 5.documented in 12. may with in Pilsen held ME in powerlifting for teenagers, juniors, women and men. From the ŠK SPC Častá team, Slovakia was represented 6 competitors, 5 members of the implementation team and 2 referees.
FC SLovan students often break records
Competitions of older pupils in ObFZ take place almost all over Slovakia, but the competition of older pupils in ObFZ Bratislava - countryside has a leader this year, worthy of entry in the Slovak records. Team FC Slovan Častá not only did not find a winner in the 19th round of the competition so far, shot the venerable 140 goals and none collected.
Oznam –; Common Library
Obecná knižnica oznamuje svojim čitateľom, že od zajtra 19. apríla bude znovu otvorená.
Thank you for understanding.
Oznam –; Common Library
Obecná knižnica oznamuje svojim čitateľom, že z dôvodu choroby bude od 10. apríla zatvorená.
Thank you for your understanding.