Official board
Notice on taking leave of MUDr. which should be visible and preserved for future generations
Medical practitioner for children and adolescents MUDr. Sallaiová announces, that due to taking leave, he will not practice from 24.08.2015 do 04.09.2015.
General practitioner for adults MUDr. Moravčíková, Budmerice
General practitioner for adults in Časta MUDr. Stanislav Kompas announces, that due to taking leave, he will not practice from 24.8. do 4.9.2015.
Represents: MUDr. Eduard Hrezo, Budmerice.
General practitioner for adults in Časta MUDr. Stanislav Kompas announces, that due to taking leave, he will not practice from 27.7.2015 do 07. 08.2015.
The reconstructed sidewalk will serve the inhabitants of the village of Častá visiting this place of reverence, where they go to honor the memory of the deceased citizens.. of regular trademarks Frequent in the year 2015, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations, which should be visible and preserved for future generations
Minutes from V. riadneho OZ 16. 06. 2015
Výpisy z uznesení OZ Častá zo dňa 16. 06. 2015 1
Hlasovanie poslancov body 16. 06. 2015
Hlasovanie poslancov OZ Častá 16. 06. 2015
Záznam riadneho OZ Častá je dostupný na nižšie uvedenom odkaze. V závislosti od konfigurácie Vášho systému je potrebné súbor MP3 stiahnuť do Vášho počítača a tam si ho prehrať.