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Veterinárne opatrenie z dôvodu výskytu prípadu vtáčej chrípky v obci Častá –; reporting the number of poultry

The municipality of Častá informs citizens, that KYNOLOGICKÝ KLUB ČASTÁ 05.02.2024 Regional veterinary and food administration in Senec (hereinafter RVaPS) she announced the occurrence of a case of bird flu in the village of Častá. For that reason, RVaPS Senec ordered on 05.02.2024 vykonať opatrenia pri zistení a potvrdení choroby –; bird flu. RVaPS Senec orders the breeders of poultry and other birds kept in captivity to make an inventory of all breeding poultry and other birds kept in captivity in the village of Častá in written form, indicating the species, the number of bred animals and the place of breeding in the village of Častá.

Based on the above, we are asking breeders immediately, but no later than 09.02.2024 to report the above information (kind of, number and place of breeding) to the Častá Municipal Office by e-mail: or by phone at tel. C. 033/6495427


  1. Veterinárne opatrenia na kontrolu chorôb zvierat –; nariadenie pre právnické a fyzické osoby obce Častá –; bird flu 5.2.2024
  2. Poultry registration form

Verejná vyhláška –; Call for cutting / pruning of trees and other stands

West Slovak distribution, a.s. vyzýva všetkých vlastníkov nehnuteľnosti na odstránenie a orezy stromov a iných porastov, which threaten the safety or reliability of the operation of the power lines of the distribution system. Ohlásenie záujmu o vykonanie prác prevádzkovateľovi vedenia, alebo priamo odstránenie a orezy stromov a iných porastov vykoná vlastník najneskôr do 30 dní od zverejnenia tejto výzvy. V prípade márneho uplynutia lehoty na ohlásenie alebo vykonanie výrubu a okliesnenia uvedenej vo výzve v zastúpení ZSD vykoná spoločnosť Davies, s.r.o.. Táto výzva zároveň predstavuje aj splnenie si oznamovacej povinnosti týkajúcej sa vstupu na Váš pozemok.

Bližšie informácie v priloženej výzve tu:

Verejná vyhláška –; Výzva na vykonanie výrubu, okliesneniu stromov v ochrannom pásme VN-VVN

Minutes, resolutions, extract of resolutions and audio recording from IX. regular public meeting of the OZ held on the day 20.12.2023

UZN no. 1-IX –; OZ –; 2023 Establishment of a draft committee of the Municipal Council

UZN no. 2-IX –; OZ –; 2023 Approval of the meeting program of the Municipal Council

UZN no. 3-IX- OZ-2023 Public hearing of citizens

UZN no. 4-IX-OZ- 2023 Method of registration. additional financing of primary and kindergarten projects

UZN no. 5-IX-OZ- 2023 Method of registration. additional financing of primary and kindergarten projects

UZN no. 6-IX-OZ- 2023 Method of registration. additional financing of primary and kindergarten projects

Extract of resolution IX OZ 20.12.2023

Minutes from IX.OZ 20.12.2023


Sound recording

Warning: The audio recording is incomplete due to a malfunction on the recording device.

Equipment for FC Slovan Častá from the Individual Subsidy of BSK

Village in the year 2023 received funds from the BSK Individual Subsidy for the Equipment project for FC Slovan Častá in the amount of 2 800 €. The subsidy was used to buy children's soccer jerseys, training gate and purchase of beer sets. Thanks to the subsidies, the conditions of the local football club will improve. The football goal will help to improve the quality of the training process. Football jerseys were bought for the children for matches. Beer sets will be used for various social events, cultural and sports events not only on the field, but in the whole village.