The results of the elections to the European Parliament in the village of Častá from 08.06.2024 Zápisnica okrskovej volebnej komisie o priebehu a výsledku hlasovania vo velebnom okrsku č. 1 vo voľbách do EP Zápisnica okrskovej volebnej komisie o priebehu a výsledku hlasovania vo velebnom okrsku č. 2 vo voľbách do EP
Zverejnenie e-mailovej adresy a tel.kontaktu na doručenie žiadosti o vydanie hlasovacieho preukazu –; elections to the European Parliament in 2024 in the village of Častá 20240408150854485
Zverejnenie e-mailovej adresy a tel.kontaktu na doručenie oznámenia o delegovaní členov a náhradníkov do OVK –; elections to the European Parliament in 2024 in the village of Častá 20240408145527472
Information about the result of voting in the presidential elections of the Slovak Republic in the village of Častá -2. kolo –; 06.04.2024 Zápisnica okrskovej volebnej komisie –; elections of the president of the Slovak Republic II. kolo –; precinct no. 1 Zápisnica okrskovej volebnej komisie –; elections of the president of the Slovak Republic II. kolo –; precinct no. 2
Informácia o výsledku hlasovania vo voľbách prezidenta SR v obci Častá –; 1. kolo –; 23.03.2024 Zápisnica –; voľby prezidenta –; precinct no. 1Zápisnica –; voľby prezidenta –; precinct no. 2
List of candidates for president of the Slovak Republic Candidates for the President of the Slovak Republic 2024
Information for voters for the elections to the European Parliament in Slovak and English Informácia pre voliča –; elections to the European Parliament in the Slovak language Informácia pre voliča –; elections to the European Parliament in English
Decision of the President of the Slovak Republic on the announcement of elections to the European Parliament Decision of the President of the Slovak Republic on the announcement of elections to the European Parliament
Publication of the e-mail address and telephone contact for the delivery of a request for the issuance of a voting card in the elections of the President of the Slovak Republic in the village of Častá (more…)
Publication of the e-mail address and telephone contact for the delivery of the notice on the delegation of members and substitutes to two district election commissions in the elections of the President of the Slovak Republic in the village of Častá 20240119114459739