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Village budget

Program budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2024 Draft budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2025 a 2026

Income budget of the municipality of Častá for 2024, with a view to 2025, 2026

Program budget of the municipality for the year 2023 Draft budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2024 a 2025

Budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2023

Program budget of the municipality for the year 2022 Draft budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2023 a 2024

Budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2022

Program budget of the municipality for the year 2021 Draft budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2022 a 2023

Budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2021

Program budget of the municipality for the year 2020 and outlook for years 2021 a 2022

Budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2020

Program budget of the municipality for the year 2019 and outlook for years 2020 a 2021

Budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2019

Program budget of the municipality for the year 2018 and outlook for years 2019 a 2020

Budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2018


Program budget of the municipality of Častá for the year 2017

Budget of the municipality of Častá for years 2017 – 2019


Rozpočet obce Častá na roky 2016 ;; 2018 ;

Budget of the municipality of Častá for years 2015 ; 2017 ;

The budget of the municipality of Častá was approved in the OZ 6.11.2014 uznesením č.53/OZ/2014 ;

Budgets of the municipality of Častá for years 2014 ; 2016

The budget of the municipality of Častá was approved in the OZ by resolution dated 12.12.2013
