Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (V –; 341/2022) 1 17 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 21.03.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (V –; 340/2022) 1 12 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 21.03.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Žofčík Peter 1 21 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 14.03.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Service contract 1 22 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 18.02.2022 | Stiahnuť |
1 10 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 09.02.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 7/2022 to the Agreement on the provision of services in the field of waste management 1 7 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 27.01.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Kúpna zmluva –; Contract number 1 29 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 25.01.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Kúpna zmluva –; Seller 1 18 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 25.01.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Lease agreement for the lease of municipal apartment no. 8 1 15 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 28.12.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement no. 21/03/010/9 o pomoci v hmotnej núdzi –; ÚPSVaR Pezinok 1 6 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 28.12.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement on the termination of the Agreement on the Establishment of a Joint School Office, as amended 1 4 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 22.12.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement on the association of activities and mutual cooperation in the implementation of the construction of an intersection in the village of Častá 1 23 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 13.10.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Minutes of the construction commission meeting. 21-514-04910 z FPU ,,Kniha –; môj spoločník”; 1 3 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 01.10.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o odbere kuchynského odpadu –; FidelityTrade,as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 5 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 30.06.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Lease agreement for the lease of a municipal apartment dated 19.05.2021 1 11 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 26.05.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Lease agreement for renting a municipal apartment 1 10 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 25.02.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Lease agreement for renting a municipal apartment 1 9 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 25.02.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Marius Pedersen –; Supplement no. 6/2021 on the provision of services in the field of waste management 1 12 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 25.02.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Service contract, ROYAL MEDIC HEALTH CARE, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 6 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 05.02.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Loan agreement from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic 1 1 stiahnuť | Contracts, Contracts | 30.11.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva na odchyt a umiestnenie psov do karanténnej stanice –; Animal freedom 1 6 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 18.11.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement on cooperation in ensuring separate collection of electrical waste, batteries and accumulators by means of stationary containers 1 4 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 08.07.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Enviropol, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. –; Insurance contract for language classrooms. 3 to the contract on the removal of electrical waste 1 4 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 01.06.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement no. 20/03/52A/51 on ensuring the conditions for carrying out activation activities in the form of voluntary service and on providing a contribution for activation activities 1 9 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 27.04.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4 to the Contract on the provision of NFP to the project Procurement of garden composters to prevent the emergence of BRKO in the village of Častá 1 9 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 01.04.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 3 k Zmluve o zabezpečení systému združeného nakladania s odpadmi z obalov –; NATURE PACK, a.s. 1 9 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 31.03.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytovaní servisných služieb –; Trimel s.r.o. 1 5 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 31.03.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o dielo –; Trimel s.r.o. 1 6 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 31.03.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Rámcová zmluva č.35/2019, Obec Častá –; Ing. Pavel Soukup P.S. 1 10 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 08.01.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o obchodnej spolupráci a poskytovaní služieb 1 11 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 08.01.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí dotácie z dotačného programu BSK, Project: ,,Výstavba zastrešeného pódia pred budovou OcÚ”; 1 15 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.10.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o spolupráci –; Minutes of the construction commission meeting 1 22 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 28.08.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 Minutes of the construction commission meeting 7.2.2019 ,,Minutes of the construction commission meeting 1 19 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 12.07.2019 | Stiahnuť |
ÚPSVaR Pezinok Dohoda 18/03/50J/16 1 9 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 20.03.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o zabezpečení systému združeného nakladania s odpadmi z obalov s organizáciou zodpovednosti výrobcov Natur-Pack, a.s. –; Insurance contract for language classrooms. 2 1 7 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 19.03.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Marius Pedersen, a.s. –; Insurance contract for language classrooms. 4/2019 k Zmluve č. 111 002 on the provision of waste management services 1 9 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 13.02.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement no. 4/PK/2019/§10 ÚPSVaR Pezinok 1 9 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 02.01.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Záväzná objednávka –; ENERCOM s.r.o. –; Rozvoj športu v obci Častá –; Construction of playgrounds and purchase of sports equipment 1 22 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 21.12.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Kúpna zmluva č. Z201845951_Z –; Jazykové učebne a knižnica pre základnú školu _ IKT a čierna technika 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 30.11.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí dotácie na podporu rozvoja športu na rok 2018 1 26 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 26.11.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o dielo –; Rekonštrukcia hasičskej zbrojnice 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 21.11.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Dodatok č.1 ku Kúpnej zmluve č.Z201834297_Z zo dňa 16.08.2018 1 21 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 21.11.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o nakladaní s odpadom Skládka odpadov –; Oak, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 11 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 24.10.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Dodatok Ponuka E.Benefit ZSE 1 10 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.10.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o usporiadaní a spolufinancovaní okresných kôl predmetových olympiád a postupových súťaží žiakov základných škôl 2018 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 28.09.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o reklame a propagácii na autobusovej zastávke hrad Červený Kameň 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 28.09.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Obstaranie záhradných kompostérov na predchádzanie vzniku BRKO v obci Častá –; Insurance contract for language classrooms. 1 1 18 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 20.09.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Nájomná a licenčná zmluva č. 44/2018 –; programové vybavenie ekonomický informačný systém 1 8 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 17.09.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Purchase contract of Cittera village Častá 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 09.08.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Purchase contract for the sale of the Heger land 1 25 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 08.08.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o koecesii na garantované energetické služby + prílohy zmluva o nájme NP a zmluva o uzavretí BKZ 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 30.07.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o garantovanej energetickej službe č. ZMLP-2018-240-000001 1 23 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 30.07.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Procurement of garden composters to prevent the emergence of BRKO in the village of Častá 1 13 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 22.06.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí nenávratného finančného príspevku 1 16 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 22.06.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 2 k zmluve s SPP 1 11 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 15.06.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva ÚPSVaR Pezinok obec Častá § 54 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. 1 letter. a) 1 5 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 05.03.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Nájomná zmluva Led dekory MK –; mont illuminations, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 14 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 22.02.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o umiestnení reklamy Čavara Taverna 1 25 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.02.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytovaní služieb č. MSD_Častá_01 1 10 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 25.01.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva OK Hviezdoslavov Kubín 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 23.01.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o dodávke plynu SPP obec Častá 1 10 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 23.01.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Dohoda č.4/PK/2018/§10 ÚPSVaR Pezinok 1 5 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 12.12.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Service contract 161017 Častá –; sewerage and Envirofond 2018 1 21 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 16.10.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 to the contract Wind music Častovanka 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 05.09.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Minutes of the construction commission meeting. 17-513-02443 1 7 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 12.12.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o odvádzaní odpadových vôd –; Hasičská zbrojnica 1 12 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.08.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o zabezpečení OV prevádzky obec Častá BVS, a. s. 1 50 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 25.07.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Nájomná zmluva obec Častá/Dušan Pavlík 1 15 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 11.07.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no 2/2017 k zmluve č. 15/2017/§54-ŠnZ/BSK obec Častá/UPSVaR Pezinok 1 8 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 26.06.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no 1 k zmluve č. 15/2017/§54-ŠnZ/BSK obec Častá/UPSVaR Pezinok 1 5 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 26.06.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o zabezpečení zberu použitých textílií, clothing and footwear 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 22.06.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí dotácie DPO SR 1 11 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 29.05.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o dielo Combin č. 1/2017 1 18 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 29.05.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Dohoda obec Častá UPSVaR PK –; Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year 54 1 27 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 29.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Dohoda obec Častá UPSVaR PK –; § 52a 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 29.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement on co-financing of Hviezdoslavov Kubín 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Disclosure | 17.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o kontrolnej činnosti 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 09.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Contract for the work of Monika Dobrovičová 1 27 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 06.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Čavojský Ivan s manželkou 1 25 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 to NZ Žofčík Peter with his wife 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Dodatok č.4/2017 k NZ Galla Roman s manželkou 1 24 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Pecúch Erik s manželkou 1 22 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Užovič Milan s manželkou 1 16 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Szecsényi Boris s manželkou 1 16 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Schwarz Štefan s manželkou 1 18 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Schwarz Michal s manželkou 1 14 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Addendum No. 1/2017 to the New Testament Herák Pavol with his wife 1 18 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Addendum No. 4/2017 to NZ Dubanová Katarína 1 22 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva prenájom svietidiel 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 09.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 6 Obec Častá Combin 1 31 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 14.12.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 to the VÚB loan agreement, a. s. 1 16 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.12.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 5 k zmluve o dielo COMBIN 1 23 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.12.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí dotácie BSK 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.11.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva MV SR predmetová olympiáda 1 13 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.11.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí finančných prostriedkov Fond na podporu umenia 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.11.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 2 to the Marius Pedersen Treaty, a. s. 1 16 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 31.08.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty, a. s. to the Marius Pedersen Treaty 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 25.07.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 18.07.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 18.07.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 to the Marius Pedersen Treaty, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 24 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 18.07.2016 | Stiahnuť |