Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (V –; 341/2022) 1 17 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 21.03.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (V –; 340/2022) 1 12 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 21.03.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Žofčík Peter 1 21 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 14.03.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Service contract 1 22 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 18.02.2022 | Stiahnuť |
1 10 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 09.02.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 7/2022 to the Agreement on the provision of services in the field of waste management 1 7 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 27.01.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Kúpna zmluva –; Contract number 1 29 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 25.01.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Kúpna zmluva –; Seller 1 18 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 25.01.2022 | Stiahnuť |
Lease agreement for the lease of municipal apartment no. 8 1 15 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 28.12.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement no. 21/03/010/9 o pomoci v hmotnej núdzi –; ÚPSVaR Pezinok 1 6 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 28.12.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement on the termination of the Agreement on the Establishment of a Joint School Office, as amended 1 4 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 22.12.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement on the association of activities and mutual cooperation in the implementation of the construction of an intersection in the village of Častá 1 23 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 13.10.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Minutes of the construction commission meeting. 21-514-04910 z FPU ,,Kniha –; môj spoločník”; 1 3 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 01.10.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o odbere kuchynského odpadu –; FidelityTrade,as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 5 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 30.06.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Lease agreement for the lease of a municipal apartment dated 19.05.2021 1 11 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 26.05.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Lease agreement for renting a municipal apartment 1 10 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 25.02.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Lease agreement for renting a municipal apartment 1 9 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 25.02.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Marius Pedersen –; Supplement no. 6/2021 on the provision of services in the field of waste management 1 12 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 25.02.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Service contract, ROYAL MEDIC HEALTH CARE, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 6 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 05.02.2021 | Stiahnuť |
Loan agreement from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic 1 1 stiahnuť | Contracts, Contracts | 30.11.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva na odchyt a umiestnenie psov do karanténnej stanice –; Animal freedom 1 6 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 18.11.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement on cooperation in ensuring separate collection of electrical waste, batteries and accumulators by means of stationary containers 1 4 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 08.07.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Enviropol, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. –; Insurance contract for language classrooms. 3 to the contract on the removal of electrical waste 1 4 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 01.06.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement no. 20/03/52A/51 on ensuring the conditions for carrying out activation activities in the form of voluntary service and on providing a contribution for activation activities 1 9 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 27.04.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4 to the Contract on the provision of NFP to the project Procurement of garden composters to prevent the emergence of BRKO in the village of Častá 1 9 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 01.04.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 3 k Zmluve o zabezpečení systému združeného nakladania s odpadmi z obalov –; NATURE PACK, a.s. 1 9 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 31.03.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytovaní servisných služieb –; Trimel s.r.o. 1 5 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 31.03.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o dielo –; Trimel s.r.o. 1 6 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 31.03.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Rámcová zmluva č.35/2019, Obec Častá –; Ing. Pavel Soukup P.S. 1 10 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 08.01.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o obchodnej spolupráci a poskytovaní služieb 1 11 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 08.01.2020 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí dotácie z dotačného programu BSK, Project: ,,Výstavba zastrešeného pódia pred budovou OcÚ”; 1 15 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.10.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o spolupráci –; Minutes of the construction commission meeting 1 22 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 28.08.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 Minutes of the construction commission meeting 7.2.2019 ,,Minutes of the construction commission meeting 1 19 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 12.07.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o zabezpečení systému združeného nakladania s odpadmi z obalov s organizáciou zodpovednosti výrobcov Natur-Pack, a.s. –; Insurance contract for language classrooms. 2 1 7 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 19.03.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Marius Pedersen, a.s. –; Insurance contract for language classrooms. 4/2019 k Zmluve č. 111 002 on the provision of waste management services 1 9 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 13.02.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Agreement no. 4/PK/2019/§10 ÚPSVaR Pezinok 1 9 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 02.01.2019 | Stiahnuť |
Záväzná objednávka –; ENERCOM s.r.o. –; Rozvoj športu v obci Častá –; Construction of playgrounds and purchase of sports equipment 1 22 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 21.12.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Kúpna zmluva č. Z201845951_Z –; Jazykové učebne a knižnica pre základnú školu _ IKT a čierna technika 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 30.11.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o dielo –; Rekonštrukcia hasičskej zbrojnice 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 21.11.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o nakladaní s odpadom Skládka odpadov –; Oak, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 11 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 24.10.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Dodatok Ponuka E.Benefit ZSE 1 10 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.10.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o usporiadaní a spolufinancovaní okresných kôl predmetových olympiád a postupových súťaží žiakov základných škôl 2018 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 28.09.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o reklame a propagácii na autobusovej zastávke hrad Červený Kameň 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 28.09.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Purchase contract of Cittera village Častá 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 09.08.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Purchase contract for the sale of the Heger land 1 25 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 08.08.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Procurement of garden composters to prevent the emergence of BRKO in the village of Častá 1 13 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 22.06.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí nenávratného finančného príspevku 1 16 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 22.06.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 2 k zmluve s SPP 1 11 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 15.06.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva ÚPSVaR Pezinok obec Častá § 54 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. 1 letter. a) 1 5 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts | 05.03.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o umiestnení reklamy Čavara Taverna 1 25 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.02.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytovaní služieb č. MSD_Častá_01 1 10 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 25.01.2018 | Stiahnuť |
Service contract 161017 Častá –; sewerage and Envirofond 2018 1 21 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 16.10.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 to the contract Wind music Častovanka 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 05.09.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Minutes of the construction commission meeting. 17-513-02443 1 7 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts | 12.12.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o odvádzaní odpadových vôd –; Hasičská zbrojnica 1 12 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.08.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o zabezpečení OV prevádzky obec Častá BVS, a. s. 1 50 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 25.07.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Nájomná zmluva obec Častá/Dušan Pavlík 1 15 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 11.07.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no 2/2017 k zmluve č. 15/2017/§54-ŠnZ/BSK obec Častá/UPSVaR Pezinok 1 8 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 26.06.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no 1 k zmluve č. 15/2017/§54-ŠnZ/BSK obec Častá/UPSVaR Pezinok 1 5 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 26.06.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o zabezpečení zberu použitých textílií, clothing and footwear 1 7 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 22.06.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí dotácie DPO SR 1 11 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 29.05.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o dielo Combin č. 1/2017 1 18 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 29.05.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Dohoda obec Častá UPSVaR PK –; Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year 54 1 27 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 29.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Dohoda obec Častá UPSVaR PK –; § 52a 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 29.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o kontrolnej činnosti 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 09.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Contract for the work of Monika Dobrovičová 1 27 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 06.03.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Čavojský Ivan s manželkou 1 25 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 to NZ Žofčík Peter with his wife 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Dodatok č.4/2017 k NZ Galla Roman s manželkou 1 24 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Pecúch Erik s manželkou 1 22 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Užovič Milan s manželkou 1 16 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Szecsényi Boris s manželkou 1 16 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Schwarz Štefan s manželkou 1 18 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 4/2017 k NZ Schwarz Michal s manželkou 1 14 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Addendum No. 1/2017 to the New Testament Herák Pavol with his wife 1 18 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Addendum No. 4/2017 to NZ Dubanová Katarína 1 22 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 13.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva prenájom svietidiel 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 09.02.2017 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 6 Obec Častá Combin 1 31 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 14.12.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 to the VÚB loan agreement, a. s. 1 16 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.12.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 5 k zmluve o dielo COMBIN 1 23 stiahnutia | Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 01.12.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí dotácie BSK 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.11.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva MV SR predmetová olympiáda 1 13 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.11.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Zmluva o poskytnutí finančných prostriedkov Fond na podporu umenia 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.11.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 2 to the Marius Pedersen Treaty, a. s. 1 16 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 31.08.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty, a. s. to the Marius Pedersen Treaty 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 25.07.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty 1 19 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 18.07.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty 1 17 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 18.07.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 1 to the Marius Pedersen Treaty, as it was the introduction of electricity or gas in the last century. 1 24 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 18.07.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty, a. s. 1 26 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 23.06.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty 1 13 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 16.06.2016 | Stiahnuť |
to the Marius Pedersen Treaty 1 13 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 16.06.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators, s. r. The. 1 18 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 06.06.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Supplement no. 3 Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators, Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators 1 36 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.06.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators, s. r. The. 1 39 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 31.05.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators 1 41 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 17.05.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators. r. The. 1 28 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 06.05.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators 1 29 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.05.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators 1 39 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 02.05.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators, s. r. The. 1 43 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 27.04.2016 | Stiahnuť |
Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators, Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators (Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators, Contract on the disposal of used INSA batteries and accumulators) 1 117 stiahnutia | Documents, Contracts, Contracts, Disclosure | 12.04.2016 | Stiahnuť |