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I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts

From 1.4.2022 I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts. I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts
I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts://I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts?art_zs2=&;art_predmet=&;art_ico=&;art_suma_spolu_od=&;art_suma_spolu_do=&;art_datum_zverejnene_od=&;art_datum_zverejnene_do=&;art_rezort=0&;art_zs1=Obec+%C4%8Cast%C3%A1&;nazov=&;art_ico1=&;ID=2171273&;odoslat=Vyh%C4%BEada%C5%A5&;I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts

Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (V –; 341/2022)

Contract number: Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (Supplement no 341/2022)

Contracting party1: The village of Častá

Home 168, 90089 Common

ID: 00304701

Contracting party 2: Supplement no


Name of the contract: Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (Supplement no 341/2022)

Subject of the contract: Supplement no


Contract number: 21.03.2022

Seller: 21.03.2022

Effective date:

Expiration date until:
