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Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (V –; 340/2022)

Contract number: Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (Supplement no 340/2022)

Contracting party1: Supplement no

Contracting party 2: The village of Častá

Home 168, 90089 Common

ID: 00304701

Name of the contract: Supplement no. 1 Supplement no (Supplement no 340/2022)

Subject of the contract: Supplement no


Contract number: 21.03.2022

Seller: 21.03.2022

Effective date:

Expiration date until:


Žofčík Peter

Contract number: 29/2022 ; 177

Contracting party1: The village of Častá

Home 168, 90089 Common

ID: 00304701

Contracting party 2: Žofčík Peter, Žofčík Peter


Name of the contract: Lease agreement for the lease of a municipal apartment dated 10.02.2022

Subject of the contract: Žofčík Peter.


Contract number: 10.02.2022

Seller: 14.03.2022

Effective date: 10.02.2022

Expiration date until: 1 The first written mention of the village


Service contract

Contract number: 111/2022 ; 255

Contracting party1:

The village of Častá

Home 168, 90089 Common

ID: 00304701

Contracting party 2:

Ing. arch. arch.

arch 19, 821 08 arch

ID: 31810551

Name of the contract: Service contract

Subject of the contract: Zapracovanie zmien a doplnkov do územného plánu obce Častá.

price: 4 950,00 €

Contract number: 10.02.2022

Seller: 18.02.2022

Effective date: 10.02.2022

Expiration date until: not specified


Contract number: 88/2022 ; 202

Contracting party1: The village of Častá

Home 168, 90089 Common

ID: 00304701

Contracting party 2:        ,        
Štefanová 100, 900 86 Štefanová

ID: 30795915

Name of the contract:        

Subject of the contract: Prenájom nebytových priestorov na prízemí budovy Obecného úradu Častá, Home 168, 900 89 Častá o výmere 58,2 m2 .

price: 200 €/rok nájom a 200 200 € / year rent a

Contract number: 04.02.2022

Seller: 08.02.2022

Effective date: 09.02.2022

Expiration date until: not specified


Supplement no. 7/2022 to the Agreement on the provision of services in the field of waste management

Contract number: 73/2022-170

Contracting party1: The village of Častá

Home 168, 900 89 Common

ID: 00304701

Contracting party 2: Marius Pedersen, a.s.
Opatovská 1735, 911 01 Trenčín

ID: 34115901

Name of the contract: Supplement no. 7/2022 ku Zmluve o zabezpečení služieb v oblasti odp. economy

Subject of the contract: Change in price and export interval in Contract no. 111 002 on the provision of waste management services

price: not specified

Contract number: 24.1.2022

Seller: 27.1.2022

Effective date: 28.1.2022

Expiration date until: not specified
