Friends of Saw- Agreement on the provision of a financial subsidy from the budget of the municipality of Častá
Contract no. 321 0030 on the provision of a subsidy from the funds of the Voluntary Fire Protection of the Slovak Republic
We often support these sports clubs- Agreement on the provision of a financial subsidy from the budget of the municipality of Častá
RC club Častá- Agreement on the provision of a financial subsidy from the budget of the municipality of Častá
We often support these sports clubs- Agreement on the provision of a financial subsidy from the budget of the municipality of Častá
Club of Slovak tourists- Agreement on the provision of a financial subsidy from the budget of the municipality of Častá
We often support these sports clubs- Agreement on the provision of a financial subsidy from the budget of the municipality of Častá
Khan club karate Frequent- Agreement on the provision of a financial subsidy from the budget of the municipality of Častá