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European Tourism Day



Friday 16.9.2022

12:00 ; 19:00 throw. arrival of meeting participants
14:00 ; 19:00 throw. individual tours of the grounds of the Červený Kameň Castle, surrounding views, exceptionalities of the castle construction, Calvary, Red and Gray mines

After arrival and accommodation, participants can take advantage of interesting tours of the classic exhibitions of the Red Stone Museum, or real exceptionalities in the construction of a Renaissance fortress. This can include, for example, a tour of the constructions of the roof of the castle palace or, conversely, the underground of the castle, ktoré vôbec nie je pod zemou …;

The immediate vicinity of the extensive area offers, for example, the Pílu Viewpoint at the so-called. Jánošík's jump, náučný chodník cez Kalváriu okolo rodinnej pohrebnej kaplnky smerom k ťažobným miestam –; Gray and Red Mines.

Saturday 17.9.2022

08:00 ; 15:00 throw.

1.Tourist walk : Through the views back to the castle

A guide from KST Častá will guide you through the immediate surroundings of the castle over the top of Veľké Vápenného, descending to Sucha dolina and passing by the NR SR Papiernička facility to the top of Kukla. You will descend to Pila past the wine cellar and after a light refreshment you will ascend back to Hrad Červený Kameň.

The route is slightly difficult, however, there are elevations and it offers unusual views of the event's landmark.

Length : 8 km Total elevation : 600 m

2.Tourist walk : Geldek –; a hill of not only mysterious trees

A more demanding walk with a guide will take you to the top of Geldek with a gradual ascent, also given somewhere as Jelenec. This double peak has an official elevation of the so-called. Ompitálsky ( Doľany ) Kelteku a rozsiahla lúka so solitérmi zvetralých bukov a hrabov tvorí náš –; Častovské Celtek. You can already see from this description, že tam nie je niečo v poriadku a náš sprievodca Vám to ešte môže spestriť zaručene pravým výkladom …;

Length : 13 km Total elevation : 900 m

3.Event at Červený Kameni : Mraznické chodníčky –; endurance run

Traditional athletic cross-country event for all categories. Súčasťou budú ukážky plnenia disciplín Turistického orientačného behu –; map orientation, azimuth, place, throw at the target. The participants of the Meeting can choose these disciplines on a non-binding basis, in which we have the SR Champions in our club , also to try.

Menej odvážni môžu absolvovať okolité vychádzky náučného chodníka –; according to the guidance on Friday.

Saturday 17.9.2022

15:00 throw.

Festive program

Odovzdanie štafety organizátorovi Stretnutia priaznivcov KST –; Gathering of all participants in the forecourt of the castle and handing over the baton to the meeting organizer 2023.

Občerstvenie pre účastníkov –; sitting, music and tourist debates over goulash, tasting of local wines.


Sunday 18.9.2022

09:00 ; 15:00 throw.

Individuálne vychádzky do okolitej prírody –; the possibility of an agreement with guides on specific routes or locations in the village (harvest season).

We recommend :

; Jaskyňa Driny a Smolenický zámok –; own transport
; Budmerický kaštieľ –; own transport

Slovak National Museum -:

Organizer: Klub slovenských turistov –; Hiking section :
In partnership with: KST Region Malé Karpaty and KST Častá

Event manager: Marián Porkert , chairman of KST Častá : snow conditions, the event will take place as a pedestrian crossing

Guides on the routes: Miroslav Held , KST Common : 0905 213 343


Applications and presentation : application for participation in the event:

  • do 16.9.2022 : snow conditions, the event will take place as a pedestrian crossing, 0907 795 388
  • presentation : Hrad Červený Kameň –; social hall 16.-17.9.2022, 08:00 ; 20:00 throw.

Accommodation options upon individual order:

  • –; Píla –; 2 km
  • –; v Častej –; 2 km
  • RED ROCK 55 0903 212 671 ; pri hrade –; 500 m
  • Penzión pod Červeným Kameňom –; Píla –; 1 km