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Apples will traditionally be the first weekend of October 6. 10. 2018 in several cities, urban districts and villages of the Bratislava county in the center of attention. The popular Apple Feast® will begin, and it's literally a holiday for all lovers of this healthy fruit.

The event is a celebration of apples and produce, which can be made from them. From sweet and savory cakes, through non-traditional soups, compotes to apple ciders. Visitors can also taste the freshly picked tasty apples from local growers.

For the first time, the Apple Feast was held® in 2008 in Modra, and the Malokarpatské awareness center in Modra came up with this idea (MOS).

This event is organized for the needs of the project "Cultural-creative revival of traditions" (Heritage SK-AT), which is co-financed from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund within the Cooperation Program Interreg V-A Slovak Republic – Austria.


