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Chronicle of the village Častá, which the municipal chronicler Mr. Vojtech Strelka began to write in 1933 and it was completed by the former director of the school Mr. Zatkalík in 1963, I processed it into digital form together with my children in the year 2004. It took us a while 7 months and the final product was a multimedia CD.

I decided to publish the entire content of the chronicle on this page as well, in order to make this precious book more accessible. We have transcribed all handwritten texts and each page is also available as a photo.

Is possible, that we made some mistakes when transcribing the texts, therefore, you can compare our transcribed texts with a photocopy of the relevant page. I will be grateful, when readers alert me to possible errors in the texts, which they discover when studying the chronicle. I will also be grateful for any additional information.

Send your comments to my email address:
Vladimir Schwandtner

Courtesy of Mr. Vladimír Schwandtner's work is also available on these pages.
/note: the section is under preparation/