You are interested in changing the zoning plan? Send the request to 30.11.2020
The village of Častá invites all interested parties, who are interested in changing the zoning plan, to send Application for change of the zoning plan to the Municipal Office Častá by the deadline 30.11.2020.
The application must state what change in the zoning plan is required and specify which territory it concerns (indicating the parcel numbers of the plots concerned).
All received applications will be evaluated in terms of, whether it is a minor change (in particular without agricultural land entitlements) or for a larger change with a recommendation, how to proceed in relation to the specific change requested.
The evaluation will then be submitted to the developer of the Spatial Planning Documentation of the municipality of Častá, to decide, which applications will or will not be included in the draft amendments to the zoning plan.
Send requests for changes to the zoning plan in writing:
a) By mail, to the address:
Municipal office Častá
Home 168/65
900 89 Common
b) Personally:
Mailbox in the municipal office building
c) By e-mail: