Kamenárstvo Martin offers its services at the cemetery-new monuments
Ministry of Education, science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, in cooperation with the city of Pezinok, will set up a mobile vaccination site for children aged from 12 years, employees of schools and school facilities, parents, their family members, as well as for all residents of the Pezinok district. Očkovať sa bude dvojdávkovou vakcínou –; Pfizer/ BioNTech next weekend from 28. –; 29. 8. 2021. We will specify the exact time and place according to the number of registered applicants. You can register for vaccination until 24. 8. 2021 (utorok) 12:00 throw. Please contact if you have any questions: zástupkyňa primátora –; Mária Wagingerová tel. C. 033/6901 103 alebo oddelenie školstva –; Erik Špaňo tel. C. 033/6901 306.