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.or the Little Carpathian region: Let's join forces for the development of our region. Let's implement good ideas for a better life in the countryside

. or the Little Carpathian region

OZ Malokapratský region is a civil association, which was created in October 2014. It unites cities and municipalities, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations and natural persons from the cadastral territory of the towns of Modra and Svätý Jur and the municipalities of Báhoň, Budmerice, Common, Doľany, Oak, Croatian Grob, COMMEMORATIVE CELEBRATION, Saw, Slovenský Grob, Hams, Štefanová, Route, Vinosady, Vistuk.

. the development of the region is our priority

We connected, to realize projects and ideas, which the inhabitants of the region have. So that projects can be implemented, most of them lack one essential thing - finances. Civic association is the way, how to get these funds. In the past, cities and towns in the Bratislava region did not have the opportunity to draw financial resources in this way. However, the current program period brings an opportunity for us as well. We can be inspired by other regions of Slovakia. Investments in agriculture, winemaker and viticulture, constructed or reconstructed sports areas, observation towers made available, promotion of the region through regional brands and products, supporting tourism through authentic local events. All this creates job opportunities, supports employment and prosperity for entrepreneurs and residents in the region. Through OZ Malokarpatský region, a space is opened for people, who have good ideas to actively participate in shaping the environment in which they live and work.

.how the Little Carpathian region works

The association is based on the principles of local partnership in order to support and develop the rural region. It is about connecting citizens, non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurs and public administration (cities and municipalities), who cooperate in the development of the territory and in obtaining funds from the EU and from national programs for their region.

OZ Malokarpatský region has the ambition to obtain MAS status in the near future (Local Action Group), which authorizes entities in the territory to draw funds from the mentioned sources.

The task of the LAG is to subsequently coordinate the development of the territory by creating an integrated strategy for the development of the territory with regard to local needs and potential. Based on the developed strategy, MAS then announces, assesses and selects individual types of activities and projects. Subsequently, it secures financing from the mentioned sources. Applications for financing projects and activities can be submitted by organizations, entrepreneurs, municipalities operating in a city or village, which, by decision of the council, is a member of the OZ MR.

.or the Little Carpathian region in numbers

Number of towns and villages in the territory: 16

Number of inhabitants in the territory: 41 202

Area of ​​the territory: 302,5 km2

Number of association members: 40

From that public sect: 16

Private sector: 12

Non-profit organizations and natural persons: 12

.come and get involved

You want to know more? You are involved in the region and expect support? You have a good idea, Project? Come to the meeting, present your project and together we will look for ways to refinance and realize it. Become part of the region's development team.

We invite you to an informative meeting, Invitation to a public meeting of the Municipal Council in Častá 23.9.2015 The 18:00 in the Cultural House in Šenkvicy.

A working meeting will be held 10.10.2015 from 9:00 – 18:00 in the Cultural House in Modra.

.compete with us

OZ Malkarpatský region announces a competition for the graphic processing of the association's logo. The general public can participate. An expert jury will select the most appropriate logo. The winner will receive a reward of 100 euros. More information can be found on the city's website / villages, social networks and on

I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts://


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